kumon hillhead study centre
he Kumon Maths and English Study Programmes offer what traditional tuition gives
to your child and more. Kumon goes one step further by helping each child
develop self-learning skills, enabling them to tackle challenging work without
reliance on a teacher. Our aim is to help any child of any ability to progress
and develop a curiosity and love for learning. Your local Instructor will set
work for your child at just the right level, enabling them to build confidence
in their abilities and progress their maths and English skills in small,
manageable steps through daily study. They will visit their local study centre
up to twice a week for sessions with their Instructor. This allows the
Instructor to tailor and adapt each child’s study plan to their abilities,
through observing their progress and fluency at each level. Our study programmes
are individualised to each child to help them establish strong learning
foundations and a positive learning experience, to build skills and confidence
for their future.