worthing speakers club
Our meetings are friendly and fun! Every member knows the challenge of public
speaking, and we are very supportive of each other. Meetings start at 7.30pm and
are chaired by a member holding the role of ‘Toastmaster’. The first part of the
evening is a warm up, an opportunity but not an obligation for members and
guests to join in with 15 seconds of impromptu speaking each. This is followed
by 3 or 4 project speeches, which are prepared by members. After the break at
8.30pm we start with evaluations of the prepared speeches. Evaluation is an
important part of Toastmasters – helping us all to learn from the feedback of
others. Evaluations are presented by experienced members highlighting strengths
and areas for improvement. The speech evaluations are followed by a session of
impromptu speaking called ‘Table Topics’, open to both members and guests. Table
Topics are followed by further general evaluations of the evening’s programme.
The meeting finishes at 9.30pm. Members are always happy to answer any questions
you may have. Worthing Speakers offers up to two free meetings before a
commitment to becoming a member is required.