liverpool hung gar kung fu club
Welcome to the Liverpool Hung Gar Kung Fu Friendship Association website. Here
you can find information about our club and also about the style of Hung Gar
Kung Fu we teach. The word kung fu does not actually mean 'martial art', but
instead 'skill that is developed through much time and effort', and our style of
Hung Gar Kung Fu will require you, as a student, to undertake a certain amount
of mental and physical discipline. To develop this you must have a willingness
to learn, to discipline yourself, and most importantly be willing to train hard.
school gateEach lesson lasts 2 hours and are developed to increase your fitness,
health and vitality. You will be taught techniques and forms (set patterns of
techniques) as well as developing strength, speed and balance. The Chinese Lion
Dance is a large part of our club and you can also, as your training progresses,
involve yourself in this aspect of training. Chinese New Year serves as an
important time of year for the school. It's a very busy time in which we
undertake a huge diversity of shows around the local area performing the lion
dance, dragon dance and martial arts displays. Please take a look around our
website and if you feel like you could benefit and enjoy this style of Kung Fu
then come and join in one of our lessons.