Green Key health professionals specialise in holistic treatment of chronic disease through herbal medicine, kinesiology and naturopathy. As everyone is unique with unique background and experiences we address ill-health not only on the physical and mental levels, but emotional and spiritual also. Addresses all aspects of dis-ease helps you restore your inner balance and wellbeing. Our self-help courses also take a holistic approach and encompass all aspects not only explaining about a particular bodily function and system, but also how to stay fit, healthy and well throughout your life. Each course has interactive exercises and many tips and practices helping you stay healthy all of which easily fit into your day, irrelevant of how busy you are.
Gain skills in combat/self-defense and Start Wing Chun Kuen kung fu or Kali Eskrima/JKD Martial Arts with Master Loukas Kastrounis and his friendly team at the Reading Academy Wing Chun & Kali JKD in Reading, Berkshire.
West Berkshire Gundog Club
Pilates Meditation - Pilates Classes, Back Pain & Neuro Pilates, Meditation Classes Learn Pilates to stabilise your core, improve stamina, coordination, balance, flexibility, enhance concentration, and use your breath to relax
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