Toddler Dance Classes Sheffield - Wiggle Tots WiggleTots is a multi award winning toddler dance programme in Sheffield which offers dance classes for kids.
Kären Byron School of Dancing
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Phoenix | Xtol Development Services Xtol Development Services support employers by providing a personal training service to upskill their workforce and recruiting suitable apprentices to support business growth. We offer an vetting process to source suitable applicants who wish to grow their skills within a reputable organisation.
Musical theatre school | The McMahon School of Dance & Musical Theatre The McMahon School of Dance & Musical Theatre is a musical theatre school specialising in jazz, ballet and modern dance. We also teach children’s classes and adult ballet classes. Contact us to find out more about our classes.
Welcome to Lowe Academy of Music and the Arts; where top quality music education is provided both in and out of schools across Sheffield and the surrounding areas. Whether you’re looking for lessons for yourself or your child you’ve come to the right place.
VIA Courses We provide professional development workshops, wellbeing courses and 1-1 coaching to support you in achieving your professional and personal potential