learn live
Primary schools, secondary schools and colleges all benefit from live
interaction and engaging visual content. For example, the Gatsby Benchmarks are
a framework of 8 guidelines about what makes the best careers provision in
schools and colleges. By using the Learn Live resources and joining the live
interactive broadcasts with business and inspiring individuals, schools and
colleges can meet the 8 guidelines that form the Gatsby Benchmarks. SAFEGUARDING
AND CHILD PROTECTION POLICY Learn Live fully recognises its responsibilities for
safeguarding and child protection. Introduction The aim of this policy is to
ensure: all pupils are safe and protected from harm. safeguarding procedures are
in place to help pupils to feel safe and learn to stay safe. adults in the
school community are aware of the expected behaviours and the school’s legal
responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and child protection. Expectations
All staff are: familiar with this safeguarding policy and have an opportunity to
contribute to its alert to signs and indicators of possible able to record and
report concerns as set out in this