phoenix education
Phoenix Education prides itself on delivering high quality qualifications and
trainingto people and organisations helping them build skills for a brighter
future.You will be sure to get exactly what you need from our team of experts
who willwork with you to understand exact individual and/or
organisationalrequirements, preferred learning styles and most appropriate
learning needs inorder for us to deliver the right training for you. We provide
specialist work basedtraining for learners. Many of our qualifications are
targeted atApprenticeships and National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs)
although we offerspecialist short courses and bespoke commercial training that
meets and exceedsthe expectations of our learners. Our courses arenationally
accredited which meet the needs of individuals and businesses. Oursis a personal
approach that is flexible, responsive and professional. We also provide
individual training astailored short courses that complement staff development.
Our tutors, assessors and trainersare all qualified to the highest level with
many years of industry relatedexperience. Our courses are CQC compliant.
Wecontinue to offer high quality and employer responsive training to