Women's Health Specialist,I wanted to share my personal story with you…these are
my 2 little girls (Maisie 4 1/2 years and Iona 21 months old) and I do what I do
because of them (literally).I have had 2 amazing pregnancies and births. Maisie
was born in the birth pool at the hospital and weighed 7lb 4oz. No drugs and no
tears so a normal, straightforward birth. 12 weeks after having her I jumped
straight back into an intense fitness regime (way way way too soon!!). Certain
exercises made me lea…k slightly but that’s normal right??? I’ve just had a
baby. 2 years later and I’m pregnant with Iona. Very similar pregnancy all went
well (just tired from running around after a toddler and fitting in clients and
classes in between!!). We had a home birth with Iona and she weighted 7lb 11oz –
again no drugs and no tears. Second time round it took me longer to get back to
intense exercise (for me juggling the needs of 2 children was so much harder
than 1). The first class I went back to after Iona (must have been about 9
months post-partum). It included exercises like box jumps, double unders and I
basically wet myself!! My body just wasn’t ready for this kind of intense