wallingford school
I am very proud to be Headteacher of Wallingford School. I am proud of our
students who are fantastic young people whose enthusiasm, commitment, talent and
humour make it a joy to come to school every day; I am proud of our staff who
are so dedicated to inspiring, supporting and guiding our students to fulfil
their potential; and I am proud that our school is comprehensive and embedded at
the heart of its local community of the town of Wallingford and the surrounding
villages. Teaching and learning is very strong at Wallingford and our results
over time speak for themselves. We are a high-performing school with teachers
and associate staff who are committed to innovation and creativity in the
classroom and beyond. However, all members of our school community understand
that our school is not just about results but also about the type of young
people we help to develop. Our extra-curricular programme is exceptional –
broad, deep and varied with something for everyone. Equally, the pastoral
support we offer our students and staff is excellent, recognising each young
person as an individual and supporting them in their personal development as
they progress to becoming young adults. We aspire for our students to leave us
being “able and qualified”; they should be sent into the world with examination
results which demonstrate their potential but also as responsible, reflective
and informed young people ready to take their place in society. This belief is
embedded within a tangible ethos which resonates throughout the school and