The Brand You Company Building a brilliant you
Mary Cross Learning and Development -
Adult Ballet - in Brighton Adult ballet classes in the Brighton Area, offered by The Brighton Collective
The industries we work in may be diverse, but all our brands share a common goal. They help businesses connect and communicate with their customers and bring communities together.
James Belbin - Your Nutritional Blueprint
Midlife Career Coaching When people join an organisation, they don’t leave their age at the door. Today’s businesses often comprise staff from up to four generations – with different experiences and working styles. Our aim is to work among and across those generations (offering midlife career coaching and intergenerational team development) to ensure businesses capture the strengths of each.
Cours d’Anglais en ligne pour les enfants | HiPe Kids Votre enfant va apprendre l'anglais en ligne avec un professeur natif. Tous nos cours sont 100% personnalisés et sans engagement, alors inscrivez-vous !
''Every time I hold space to allow a SourceDoodle to come through, I am simultaneously claiming my right to be here, as a spiritual being in a human body, exploring ways to feel safe & in flow in this body''