international society of performance analysis of sport
The International Society of Performance Analysis of Sport ( ISPAS ), and its
predecessor the International Society of Notational Analysis (ISNAS - 1991), was
founded to improve the international cooperation in the field of Analysis of
Sport. Obviously, the internationalization of this discipline is of great
importance for the exchange of views, the discussion and presentation of current
research results as well as the realization of joint research projects. Until
now the Society has existed quite informally β its main purpose was to ensure
the continuing excellence in its World Conferences in Liverpool (1991), Cardiff
(1993), Turkey (1995), Porto (1998), Cardiff (2001), Belfast (2004) and
Szombathely, Hungary (2006). But now with the rapid growth of Performance
Analysis as a discipline and career, there is a need for the Society to assume
more formal responsibilities. The Society now has the following
purposes/objectives: dissemination of scientific knowledge concerning
performance analysis of sport providing a forum for the exchange of ideas
bridging the gap between researchers and practitioners gather and disseminating
information, scientific knowledge and materials on performance analysis of sport
counselling other organisations in questions of performance analysis of sport
Representation of computer science in sport in other scientific associations
It's tasks are: Editing the e-journal, the International Journal of Performance
Analysis of Sport (eIJPAS) Organization of 2 β 3 workshops each year, preferably
rotating the venues internationally. Maintaining the web-site as a forum of
communication for performance analysts and/or any other interested parties.
Manage the organisation of the World Conference at different venues around the
world, bi-annually when possible. Monitor the scientific content of the papers
and presentations at the Conference, and produce the Proceedings Organise and
manage accreditation and registration of Academic Performance Analysts and
Consultant Performance Analysts of sport