Kids Collective - A warm welcome to the Kids Collective Kids Collective aims to provide an outstanding choice of activities, offering diverse opportunities for relaxing and having fun, both inside and outdoors.
Parents are welcome to contact the school at any time to discuss any relevant matter with individual members of staff. In most circumstances parents should contact their child’s form teacher initially. Should you wish to call in to school to see a member of staff, please telephone beforehand to arrange an appointment to ensure staff availability. Parents may be invited into school at any time by staff, to deal with individual concerns and discuss students’ progress and welfare.
British Sign Language - Online resources, games, & course. British Sign Language online course, free resources, games, information, and greeting cards. Learn British Sign Language today.
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Creative and Digital Secondary and 6th Form Computing School Liverpool Creative | Digital | Computing School GCSE, NCFE and BTEC courses for secondary school students, A-level and BTEC courses for 6th form students