simonside primary school
A very warm welcome to our new school website! We really do feel that the video
and photographs show the warmth and welcoming nature that is always commented on
when we have visitors. We filmed them on the hottest day of the year last
summer- uniform became the coolest clothing possible whilst we made the most of
the sun (and shade) to share with you what Simonside Primary School is all
about. We are extremely proud of our school and the work we do here. It is a
caring environment where we encourage the children to ‘Believe to Achieve’ and
to be equipped with skills and knowledge which will prepare them for secondary
school and life beyond. Our school has so much to offer- an exciting curriculum,
staff who want the best for the children, Breakfast Club, after school and
lunchtime clubs, to name just a few! We want the children in our school to have
the education they deserve and the staff work hard alongside each other,
families, the local community and governors to achieve that.