manor academy sale
Manor Academy provides high quality provision for young people aged 11-19 with
special educational needs arising from a range of conditions. All pupils have
moderate or severe learning difficulties but many have additional needs such as
autistic spectrum condition, social and emotional mental health and physical
disabilities. A real focus of our nurturing school is to prepare our pupils
emotionally and socially to become self-reliant, caring, responsible adults. Our
small classes allow for varied support which is tailored to individual needs,
ensuring that all pupils can reach their potential both academically and in
terms of developing independence skills. Manor College Our college offers a
personalised post 16 curriculum for students in the Entry Level to Level 2 range
of qualifications within a nurturing environment. Within these areas all
students will follow courses in English, Maths, ICT and Personal Development, in
addition to options based around vocational qualifications, personalised work
experience placements, Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and personalised
Employability Skills and Life and Living Skills, all leading to a range of