A one day programme of study designed for Doctors, Registered Nurses and Allied Health Professionals working in a variety of care settings, whose role may include supporting and advising patients in the later stages of dementia.
The course will cover the essential underpinning knowledge to effectively manage the patient throughout the life cycle of the implantable device.
A comprehensive two days, delivered using a variety of teaching styles, by professionals who manage medical emergencies on a day-to-day basis. A number of the more common presenting conditions are covered providing a structured approach to the pathophysiology, initial assessment and management of the acutely ill medical patient.
This course is aimed at health and social care staff who are both registered and unregistered, who work with or support individuals where safeguarding concerns are a possibility.
This course is for all those working in healthcare. Participants will gain a greater understanding of Clinical Negligence within UK law. The purpose of the session is to raise awareness of the legal framework that applies to healthcare
The course is aimed at everyone working in health and social care that makes decisions for people who may lack capacity and who require a knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act and, specifically, the issue of deprivation of liberty safeguards (DOLS).
To enable learners to develop their knowledge and skills in relation to manual handling activities
This session covers the legal aspects of documentation and record keeping in healthcare.
Understanding, working with and leading systems that promote patient safety in this way will become increasingly important for all health care providers and this course will help to build a solid foundation in this crucial subject to enhance your career and improve your patient care.
The course will increase participants knowledge relating to how drugs work, potential risks and hazards associated with medicines, and provide an overview of the legal and professional aspects of medicines management.