the prince's trust manchester centre
We know that the effects of short and long-term unemployment will be significant
for younger generations, so protecting the future of young people across Greater
Manchester is absolutely critical, ensuring they have hope and optimism for the
future. We have developed a range of courses and tailored support to provide
vulnerable young people with the practical and financial support needed to
stabilise their lives, develop self-esteem and confidence, and gain valuable
skills for work. We’re working closely with GMCA, employers and other key
partners in the region to pilot new and innovative ways of supporting young
people to achieve their goals and fulfil their potential. Future Workforce Fund
plays a significant role in our ability to support the emerging needs of young
people, and provide a flexible, adaptive offer that will directly support the
Greater Manchester Young Person’s Guarantee. We are proud to be working in
partnership with GMCA to do things differently and help young people in the
region take their next steps towards building sustainable futures.