George Edwards Training No nonsense performance coaching. Whether you are trying to lift heavier, run an ultra or Spartan Race you need the right methodology in place
FJ Gym - #1 Gym In East Finchley, London Small group personal training in East Finchley, London. Guaranteed to get you stronger, fitter and healthier! Join the 30 day trial!
Our students are from all walks of life and diverse background, bringing a friendly atmosphere with them.
Never picked up a guitar before? Always wanted to play but didn't know where to start? Or maybe you've already tried the "youtube" method but got stuck a few months in. You might find having someone to help guide you and make sure no bad habits are developed is useful to help you get better at playing guitar.
Ad-Lib Training health and physical activity education experts Ad-Lib Training works with organisations to train and develop exercise and activity leaders, to engage with those who have the least access to the health benefits of physical activity and mental health first aid.
The Ceramicists – Ceramics workshops and pottery classes in SE London
Personal Trainer | The Body Forge | Vauxhall London England The Body Forge is a Result Personal Training Company in Vauxhall, London.Providing coaching services to busy professionals on how to improve physical and mental ability through sustainable methods in 1 to 1 coaching sessions or solely online. Strength/Mobility/Fat Loss/Habit and Nutrition Guidance