DRUMMING INTUITION Drum lessons and practice room available from soundproofed studio in Effra Road, Brixton. Gift vouchers on demand.
TRADITIONAL AFRICAN DRUMMING & DANCE Let us design a truly amazing entertaining cultural event or drum workshop for you at your choice of location, budget and occasion. We have super talented traditional musicians singers dancers and story tellers to really help you celebrate in style. PLEASE GET IN TOUCH FOR ALL MEDIA TV AND FILM WORK.
Home | Drumming Mann
Drum Africa: African Drumming Classes and Workshops We provide weekly African drumming classes, workshops, tuition videos and performances in London.
The London School of Samba offers samba dance and samba drumming classes in London on a Sunday night. These classes are perfect for beginners and intermediate dance students wanting to learn Samba dance.
Harrow Drum School – The power of positive thinking, musicality and optimism through drumming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNptgQoh5Sw&feature=youtu.be NOW IN 2 LOCATIONS! CENTRAL HARROW & PINNER VILLAGE HALL! https://www.yout..
Jahdiafolila / jahdiadrumming provides African drumming classes and workshops to children and adults. Our classes/workshops are highly rated and open to all levels. Weekly adult class every Wednesdays, Blackfriars Settlement, London SE1 0RB, 7-8.30pm. check out Jahdiafolila's website for more information
Drumdrill - Online Drumming Workshop Drumdrill is a unique online community where drummers meet up to practice LIVE. Hosted by Guillame Charreau, new members are always welcome!
We provide education and training to young people. We do this through African and Caribbean cultural art forms of music, drama, dancing, and drumming.
Come along and join us for some rocking Djembe Drum fun in London E1
Love the sound of djembe? and want to learn in a friendly environment? We offer regular group and one-to-one classes. Adult class every Wednesdays (all levels), 7.00 – 8.30pm, at Blackfriars Settlement,1 Rushworth Street · London, SE1 0RB