birchwood tutors
Birchwood creates bespoke educational solutions. Our tutors work to provide
students with exceptionally crafted lessons and tailored resources. We see
tutors as partners in our students’ long-term educational success. All tutors
are recruited through a rigorous selection process, where an outstanding
track-record is an essential pre-requisite. Tutors have exceptional academic
backgrounds, most often having studied at the University of Oxford or the
University of Cambridge. Crucially, all tutors share our desire to act as
knowledgeable and close partners in all aspects of our students’ education. We
were founded by a group of alumni from the University of Cambridge, united by a
vision of through and all-encompassing educational support. As experienced
tutors, they saw that the industry was characterised by providing little support
outside of contracted hours, with poor tailoring of lessons to the needs of
students, and tutors with little guidance or training. Since its formation,
Birchwood has created a new style of tutoring, focused on a wider-ranging and
highly-tailored approach, delivered by proven, outstanding tutors.