Ravensbourne is an innovative, industry-focused university at the heart of London's newest creative community in Greenwich. It is devoted to providing its students with the specialised knowledge and experiences they need for excellent careers in digital media and design, and it fosters creativity and teamwork.
Oxford International Junior Programmes Explore Oxford International's Junior Programmes delivering English education at a range of centres across the UK, Canada & USA. The world is our classroom.
International House World Organisation Our global network of 160 language schools in over 50 countries offer English, Spanish, German, French, and many more courses and CELTA teacher training!
Theatre de l'Ange Fou - Welcome to our online home
Best Online PhD and MBA Programmes | Circle International UK Circle International UK offers the best online MBA & PhD programmes for international students. They also offer various courses on Business & Management.
FICS (Forum for International Certified Scholars) is an association for awarding professional qualification certificates based on the system of transporting knowledge to the field of operations. We believe that the academic courses should bear social relevance and our courses are designed to to impart in- depth knowledge which gives mastery over the relevant subjects with in a short period time. (Forum for International Certified Scholars) upholds the 5 golden principles of professional qualifications.
We are a non-profit organisation with a mission to promote the best of British educational practice (Early Year and STEM education) overseas.