the fashion school
The Fashion School was founded in 2012 by Caroline Gration, with the aim to
promote a healthy attitude towards fashion and individuality to children,
teenagers and adults.
Our tutors have at least a BA (Hons) in Fashion or Textiles, are DBS certified,
first aid trained, Arts Award advisers and have experience within the industry
and/or running their own business.
We offer after school and Saturday classes for children and teens of all levels,
exciting half term and holiday workshops, fashion trips
[], luxe fashion workshops for
grown []ups, and creative birthday
parties []Â for children.
We’re an Arts Award centre []! Our
tutors are Bronze & Silver Arts Award advisers and teach this nationally
recognised GCSE level qualification – ideal for aspiring fashion/textile
students who want to create their own brief.
We’ve been part of the Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme since 2012.
Whether you are with us to have a relaxing time learning lifelong skills or you
want a career in fashion, we’re here for you. We have the most experienced
caring staff, widest range of specialist machinery and the best facilities in
Brighton and Chelsea.