This Python Machine Learning online instructor led course is an excellent introduction to popular machine learning algorithms. Python Machine Learning 2-day Course Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Python coding is a pre-requisite. Who Should Attend? This course is an overview of machine learning and machine learning algorithms in Python SciKitLearn. Practical: We cover the below listed algorithms, which is only a small collection of what is available. However, it will give you a good understanding, to plan your Machine Learning project We create, experiment and run machine learning sample code to implement a short selected but representative list of available the algorithms. Course Outline: Supervised Machine Learning: Classification Algorithms: Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine Regression Algorithms: Linear, Polynomial Unsupervised Machine Learning: Clustering Algorithms: K-means clustering, Hierarchical Clustering Dimension Reduction Algorithms: Principal Component Analysis Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) Association Machine Learning Algorithms: Apriori, Euclat Other machine learning Algorithms: Ensemble Methods ( Stacking, bagging, boosting ) Algorithms: Random Forest, Gradient Boosting Reinforcement learning Algorithms: Q-Learning Neural Networks and Deep Leaning Algorithms: Convolutional Network (CNN) Data Exploration and Preprocessing: The first part of a Machine Learning project understands the data and the problem at hand. Data cleaning, data transformation and data pre-processing are covered using Python functions to make data exploration and preprocessing relatively easy. What is included in this Python Machine Learning: Python Machine Learning Certificate on completion Python Machine Learning notes Practical Python Machine Learning exercises and code examples After the course, 1 free, online session for questions or revision Python Machine Learning. Max group size on this Python Machine Learning is 4. Refund Policy No Refunds
Overcoming the challenge of public speaking - dealing with nerves, fine tuning delivery and engaging your audience with authentic confidence.
“Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.” – George Eastman" - Photography For Parents - Shooting With Flash Next course starts on Monday 12th Feb 2024 Scared of Flash? Never got good results from it? Not sure how it works with your camera? Thinking it’s bound to be complicated and just for studio work? This is the course for you! We show you how to work your flash and your camera – on and off camera! - to get great, natural looking results. In this course you'll discover how to use flash not just to supplement light in dim spaces, but to use it creatively, to help you create images you wouldn't be able to capture with just natural light. KEY COURSE INFO: Course type: Instructor-led Course duration: 4 weeks Course format: Online course with interactive live webinar classes, feedback on your learning and support group WHAT YOU LEARN: You will learn how to make your flash work with your camera and how to control it so that it gives you beautiful, natural looking light You will learn to work with the flash off camera - giving you the freedom to position your light wherever it will most suit your subject rather than relying on what you have with natural or indoor light You will learn to play with flash to capture a variety of creative outcomes and apply it to lots of shooting situations - from learning to fake pretty window light to freezing motion with Flash understanding flash equipment learning to shoot with on-camera flash earning to shoot with off-camera flash learning to bounce the light for natural looking results using flash as a sole or supplementary light source freezing movement with flash where the shutter speed wont allow it THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU IF : You find yourself struggling with light especially in the darker autumn / winter months, and there never seems to be enough ISO or aperture to get you what you want You can already use your camera in manual and want to add mastery of detachable flash to your skillset - so you can never worry about insufficient or poor light wherever you are, or whatever unknown space you go into You want to be able to make flash images look natural rather than sporting that famous 'deer in the headlights look. A good flash image never 'looks' like a flash image You want to learn how to capture creative images using a flash - such as freezing motion, creating dramatic shadows, or adding a splash of light to specific areas of the frame. You want to add this versatile skill to your toolbox so you can adapt it to different shooting scenarios. ESPECIALLY if you're considering taking up photography professionally or semi professionally, this is an immensely useful skill to have. Next Shooting with Flash course starts on 12 Feb 2024 4 core course modules Support Facebook group Weekly live webinar Weekly practice assignment Feedback on your images Why shoot with flash in the first place? “Don’t use Flash – it will wash out your child”“Flash will make your photos look horrible”‘You can’t control flash – no control over what your photos will look like” You may have heard those statements, maybe even uttered them yourself. And to a degree – they can be true – but only because, if you don’t know how to control and work any tool, it’s likely to give you terrible outcomes – remember how much poorer your photos were when you first started with your camera on full auto? Here is how I see Flash, and what this course is about: Flash lets me bring light where there would normally be not enough light available to take a well exposed photo – and let me tell you – in glorious British weather, that’s more often that I would like! Flash lets me shape the light to suit my needs – I can make it moody or bright, I can even make it look like natural light ( yes really) Flash lets me neutralise ugly light and make it look good ( anybody else cursed with ugly spotlight lights in their home? no? just me? ) Flash lets me be in control, especially in unknown venues and locations, spaces where I won’t get a chance at that second shot. Flash helps me fill in shadows when shooting in very bright light – the goal is not to stop using natural light, but to help create a balanced image where natual light alone can't cut it COURSE PREREQUISITES YOUR SKILLS: We recommend that you are comfortable in shooting in full manual mode. It's possible to use flash in priority modes of course, but you don't have full control of its strength and level. YOUR EQUIPMENT: You will need to have a detachable flash for your camera make. This could be the same brand as your camera or a compatible third party flash manufacturer. You will also need a way of triggering your flash OFF camera - in some cases, you may be able to do this directly from camera or via an additional remote trigger / controller. Click here to see our Flash buying guide below Shooting with FLASH Book your space now: COURSE STARTS : 12th Feb 2024 ( 4 weeks)COURSE COST : £179 ( payment plans available )What’s included: 4 weekly modules with step by step tutorials weekly live class online class ( also recorded) - on Tuesday evenings feedback and advice on your photos private support group PDF workbook Join our next group to learn how to never have to deal with insufficient light and discover a whole new area of photography! INSIDE THE MODULES - aka WHAT DO YOU LEARN? Module 1: Getting Started with Flash In this module we introduce you to the principles of making your flash work with your camera. We show you how the two work together in layering exposures, how you can control both the flash and natural light side and how to achieve predictable outcomes from your flash. This is the biggest learning curve because the way you work your camera with flash is very different to how you do this with just natural light and understanding the control side of things will let you get creative afterwards. Major Takeaways: At the end of the module you will have gained an understanding of how to work your flash ON your camera. With that, you will have learned how to balance your key light and your fill light, how to combine flash exposure with a natural light exposure, how to supplement or even replace light with flash light. You will also make first steps into bouncing the light to give it a more natural appearance. Module 2: Taking your flash OFF camera In this module we teach you how to make your flash work when detached from your camera. We look at different techniques and methods or shooting off camera as well as any additional equipment you may need for this. We teach you how to use that off camera flash for a number of practical and creative examples Major Takeaways: You will be able to use the flash off camera - whatever your preferred off camera methos. We will explore using off camera flash as the key light - creating low key and high key images, as fill light and as a supplementary light to provide additional dimension to the images. Module 3: Making flash look natural In this module we learn to recognise how you can adjust the very quality of your flash to create natural looking images. We learn how to bend - or bounce the light - on and off camera, to create the kind of images that noone would ever suspect of being taken with flash. We also introduce you to a number of light modifiers and show you what you can expect from them as well as what might work in the way you take the photos. Major Takeaways: Learn how to modify your flash to achieve soft or hard light look. Discover how to bounce your flash and where from and how the angle of those flash bounces will give your subject very different looks. Learn about light fall-off and how to apply this principle to achieve more or less contrast filled images when using flash/ Module 4:Flash and motion In this module we show you how to use flash when trying to freeze your subject - whether it is your child bouncing on the soufe in dim Novemeber light or an inanimate object making a splash. We also introduce you to a few way you can play with flash and your shutter speed to achieve fun and creative outcomes. Major Takeaways: You will learn how to freeze movement with flash - even on very slow shutter speeds or in very poor light. You will learn how shutter and flash work together and how you can achieve great creative outcomes such as high speed photography or freezing rain. Next course starts on 12 Feb 2024
This is a 13-week term. * Notes on 2-Person Classes Both the Tuesday 8.05pm class in Euston, and the Saturday courses in Westminster will focus on: Learning how to relax The use of the movements in Tai Chi Form (applications) Applying the movements so that you maintain your own integrity (centre of balance) Finding & working from the centre/core/Dantian Developing the sense of ‘feel’ when working with someone else Connecting your centre to your hands Turning a partner’s energy around so as to unbalance him/her We will also work on a 2-Person Tai Chi Form in order to understand applications of moves Posture, Balance, and Intention. By far the most important part of these classes is developing the ability to sense and be aware not only of one's own posture, balance, and intention, but also that of another person. Relaxation. Many of the exercises are ultimately about the ability to act from a very relaxed body and mind, so that (for example) if someone pushes towards you, you don't 'lock up' (the instinctive reaction), but instead you sense the push, and divert it. Initially it is this 'locking up' (which in effect makes you unable to move), that we are working on undoing. This is about getting more control of your sympathetic nervous system (fight & flight), the 'stress' system, so that in difficult situations, you 'roll with the punches' better.
A course on Curating and the Psychology of Perception - which are very closely interlinked. Curating and the Psychology of Perception are very closely interlinked. Yet, psychologists and curators are rarely brought together to examine them together. This course has previously ran as part of the rich portfolio of (AIR interdisciplinary courses)[]. It now runs as part AIR Courses at TechnoTruth. Taught by leading experts This course is taught by two leading experts. The course combines lectures on the history of the most important exhibitions of modern art with psychology of perception to address several important questions. Read more on the course page. Group bookings and Enquiries To book this course for a group, please email us at: info( Refunds: We will be happy to refund the fee, minus the Eventbrite fee, which is not refundable. For cancellations latter than 24 hours ahead of the start of the training, a proportion of the fee (£95) is non-refundable.
Our Forensic Accounting Course is designed to help investment analysts detect earnings manipulation. It focuses on creative accounting rather than conducting detailed forensic analysis but we explain the tools short sellers employ to detect fraud and some of the techniques we used at hedge funds to identify short opportunities.
The qualification is aimed at all staff, particularly new starters in any workplace, where a basic understanding of fire safety is required.
Can be run as a one day or two day course. Whereas the one day course concentrates on Speaking Skills in delivering a talk and allows time for participants to prepare and deliver a very short talk, the two day course offers the opportunity for participants to deliver a longer (15 minute) talk and includes consideration of other situations where speaking skills are important such as talking in meetings, talking at interviews etc.
This course was developed for one of the largest investment institutions in the world, a multi-trillion household name. We explain in detail our tips and tricks to build an accurate and rolling enterprise value, and then review different valuation methodologies, from DCF, through the sum of the parts and football field analyses to LTV/CAC based methods. We conclude with a series of case studies examining the valuation of individual stocks.