ignite your inner potential
Leadership speaker, Kul Mahay, served for 3 decades in the UK police service –
two of those as a leader. His passion for leadership led him to undergo several
coaching qualifications and now he has been coaching leaders for over 20 years.
Speaker Kul Mahay, works with a global client base of business owners and senior
leaders, using his unique and intensive style of ‘Immersion Coaching’. He
coaches, speaks and trains on the art of leadership as well as how to create
empowered workplace cultures. Kul Mahay’s personal coaching client base spans
around the globe. His clients don’t only reach far and wide geographically, but
also in their sectors. He has worked with police forces, universities, fire
services, as well as the oil industry in the UK, UAE, Qatar, India and Ukraine.
The passion for leadership led him to become the founder of one of the fastest
growing inner leadership events in the UK: IGNITE YOUR INNER POTENTIAL™, which
is delivered at public, organisational and youth levels.