wimbledon college
Opened in 1892, Wimbledon College is a Jesuit school and shares the traditions
and values of the 2,500 Jesuit schools and universities worldwide. St Ignatius
Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, wrote in 1450 of Jesuit schools being "for
improvement in living and learning for the greater glory of God and the common
good". This remains our mission today. Wimbledon College started its life in the
parlour of the presbytery of a newly established church - based in house number
3 of Cranbrook Road. In 1893 it moved to the present site, the former grounds of
the Anglican Preparatory Military Academy. The first Headmaster was Father James
Nicholson SJ and there were only two pupils enrolled when the school first
opened. The school now has over 1200 boys on roll from Year 7 to 13. An early
school photo As a boy progresses through the school he becomes part of this
tradition, experiencing at first hand its pattern of teaching, values and
practices, informed by the Jesuit vision. It is our hope that each boy will
accept this rich heritage and make it his own and in so doing will be prepared
for life, which is itself a preparation for eternal life. The index gives more
information about the various aspects of school life and how we seek to develop
every aspect of our boys' character and talents.