anglo-german education
Born and raised in Germany and educated on „this royal throne of kings, this
sceptred isle, my journey through life has been a living testimony to the
transformative and elevating power of a truly Anglo-German education - from my
early years at school in the Teutonic heartlands to the doctorate under the
dreaming spires of Oxford. To be sure, beyond the United Kingdom and Germany,
the ancient and noble continent of Europe as a whole - teeming with people of
all kinds, ports and cities humming with commerce, and universities passing on
both cherished and revolutionary knowledge - will offer you boundless
opportunities. Yet, education is so much more than the academy as such. As the
ancient Romans used to say: non scholae sed vitae discimus (we do not learn for
school but for life). Over the course of my studies, I have realised that
grades, whilst important, are not a sine qua non for individual success in life.
Rather, it is the entire inventory of experiences, endeavours, and activities
outside of school or university that makes a biography flourish and interesting.
We at Anglo-German therefore take a holistic approach and help you develop,
grow, and refine both your academic as well as extracurricular skills.