hong kong aid services
We make continuous case interventions for those who do not have a legal status
yet or are not used to life in the UK. We provide support focusing on personal
needs and assist cases needing to use NHS and other local services in the UK.
我哋嘅個案工作員均完成OISC Level 1或以上嘅入境顧問課程。我哋會向尋求庇護嘅個案提供協助,讓等候庇護人士認識同學習保障自己嘅權利。 All
caseworkers have already completed OISC Level 1 or above immigration course. We
assist those seeking asylum to empower themselves to learn and exercise their
rights. 情緒疏導服務方面,我哋亦有同圍爐傾Hearth
Talk合作,由英美註冊心理學家、心理諮詢師同治療師提供專業嘅情緒疏導服務,以補充NHS精神健康服務輪候期間嘅缺口,為有需要嘅香港人解決逼切嘅情緒需要。 In
terms of emotional support, we are working with Hearth Talk, which consists of a
group of US/UK-registered psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists, to
provide professional emotional counselling services to the Hongkongers in need
in order to fill the gaps of the NHS mental health services waiting time.