dynamo health & safety
At Dynamo we have over 20 years of chartered safety experience in all areas of
business, we work with companies of all sizes, and in all industries to achieve
results. We are dedicated to handling all health and safety issues swiftly and
accurately, so that you can focus on what really matters to your business. We
unreasonably strive for zero accidents. Zero based thinking may seem like your
chasing impossible goals, but your not! You can break through your safety
performance plateau and get your company closer to your goal of zero with us.
Dynamo is all about educational, cultural and systematic changes and not just
about the application of tools and rigorous inspection regimes. It is about
changing the way employees think, and go about doing their job, not bolting
consultant-driven solutions that aren’t sustainable over the long term. It is a
holistic approach that shows companies how to manage safety within the