ICPD was designed and launched by City of London senior business professionals.
The team of experts are extremely passionate about City of London educational
services, communication and professionalism. They are a group of Senior
Principle Directors with over 150 years of successful business experience
between them with detailed experience in the banking, Information Technology,
Communications, Professional Level Education and Psychology industries. All our
Principle Directors are fully accredited, certified and qualified professional
business people. The group are all English who have experienced a variety of
cultures through taking long term assignments by living and working in all
corners of the Globe, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and the Americas. The
concept for ICPD came through various detailed discussions with City of London
affiliated further education establishments. In today’s world of technology and
artificial intelligence, ICPD identified a growing need to take young people
back to basic human interactions. Basic human skills have been ignored over many
years and for future generations, it is essential that young people starting off
need to adopt these “soft skills”. Firstly, to pass the selection and interview
process and to enhance their chances with their career development. ICPD
(Interview, Communication, Personal Development) developed a programme working
alongside the universities. ICPD is fully committed in promoting the “City of
London” as the preferred centre of choice for training in helping students make
that jump from education to the workplace.