a pinch of salt speech language and communication
Having qualified from The University of Sheffield in 2015, Hannah began her
career with a local government organisation, in mainstream schools. This role
primarily involved working with those aged five to twenty-five, who presented
with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). This involves assessing
communication skills, making recommendations, delivering therapy, training up
staff to deliver interventions and working with the team around the young person
(e.g. parents, staff, other professionals) to achieve the best outcomes. Hannah
has developed specialist interests in two main areas: hearing impairment and
selective mutism. In addition to this, she has tried to combat the ever growing
budget cuts by coming up with innovative ways to empower schools in their
understanding and ability to work with children with SLCN. A key example of this
was the development of the Training Care Pathway, which evaluates the school’s
strengths and needs in managing SLCN in the classroom, and then tailors a
programme of training to up-skill staff.