st anselm's college
St. Anselm’s College is the Roman Catholic Grammar School for Boys in Wirral. We
are a high performing Academy which enables us to focus upon our strategic
priorities whilst retaining our Catholic ethos and grammar school identity. In
2019 Ofsted inspected us reporting that “Pupils’ outcomes are good. They make
good progress during their time at the school and successfully move on to their
next steps. Senior leadership, including that of the deputy headteachers, is a
strength of the school. Governors fulfil their responsibilities well. Leaders
promote positive values clearly and consistently. They set and support a culture
where pupils feel valued and are aspirational. The leadership of teaching,
learning and assessment is highly effective. Teaching is now good.” Parents,
students and staff refer to the College as a “family” and this is reflected in
all aspects of College life. Students achieve an average 9 – 10 grades 9-4 at
GCSE and 55-60% grades A*-B and 100% A-E at A Level with 95% of Year 13 Leavers
progressing to university and over 50% to Russell Group Universities, including
Oxford and Cambridge.