Time Management 1 Day Training in Hinckley
Train-The-Trainer 1 Day Training in Hinckley
Recruitment Skills 1 Day Workshop in Hinckley
Overview This Leadership and Management course is essential reading for anyone wanting to improve their skills and reach their potential as a team leader or manager. The course is fully interactive and prompts you to assess your own leadership or management style and then learn how to develop it further. The course covers key topics such as effective communication, the importance of managing your time well, how to build solid relationships with your team, mental fitness and taking care of your own well-being, and how to better solve workplace problems.
Managing Performance 1 Day Workshop in Leicester
Negotiation Skills - Professional 1 Day Workshop in Leicester
Communication Strategies 1 Day Workshop in Leicester
Managing Performance 1 Day Workshop in Hinckley
Negotiation Skills - Professional 1 Day Workshop in Hinckley