Handset and/or Voicemail Training 1600’s, 1400, 96/95 series handsets, J Series and voicemail One X Communicator One-X Mobile IX Workplace Desktop and Mobile App Web Conferencing Collaboration System Administration Training up to Release 11 Voicemail Pro Administration Training ACCS Agent, Supervisor and Administration Training XIMA/CHRONICALL/ACR Agent, Realtime, Recording and Reporting
This course will explore ways to support and enhance the quality of care provided to the individual approaching end of life, their families and their carers.
This confidentially & effective record keeping training course is aimed at assisting staff to understand what is expected of them regarding confidentiality, maintaining accurate up to date records and documents.
Our Equality and Diversity Training course covers the Equality Act 2010 and discusses the details relating to discrimination as well as unfair treatment within a professional environment.
This training enables users to administer oxygen safely and effectively to casualties with breathing difficulties. Delegates will learn how and when to administer oxygen to a casualty and the safety concerns with carrying, storing, and administering it.
This course aims to provide a more in depth understanding of confidentiality and record keeping. Providing information on the importance of accurate and true record keeping.
This course looks at the initial alert and the decision-making process in deciding to make a referral, taking into consideration consent and capacity of the alleged vulnerable adult, keeping them at the centre of the decision-making process. How and who to refer to and the different types of response you could expect.
The course covers primary and some secondary skills allowing the flexibility to add extra subjects where needed.
This is a specialist training course for senior managers or newly appointed safeguarding leads who are responsible for safeguarding adults from neglect and harm
This medication training course covers a wide range of topics relating to the safe handling and administration of medication within the health and social care industry, such as The Medicines Act and controlled drug schedules. The course covers the requirements set out in The Care Certificate, in NICE guidelines, and by the Care Quality Commission. This practical medication administration course includes competency sign-off.