Developing the high performing team takes time and effort. But above all, it requires an understanding of the dynamics of high performing teams. This programme helps managers and leaders understand what high performing teams do and how they do it. It focuses on enabling managers to see their teams from different perspectives, allowing them to adapt their styles to maximise team outputs. A core theme is the need for managers of teams to 'hold up the mirror' to themselves and to see themselves as a leader of people, to reflect on how others see them and to modify their style accordingly. This programme will help managers / team leaders: Analyse the constituents of a 'high performing' team Apply essential influencing techniques Use a range of communication techniques to support effective teamwork Create and articulate team vision Generate common values Assess team effectiveness and take/recommend the appropriate actions Make more efficient use of team time Understand and agree on techniques to manage conflict Define and implement team meeting protocols that will facilitate team effectiveness Use the Prime Focus model to create the environment and framework for a high performing team Draft your team strategy to take them to the next level Day 1 1 Welcome and introduction Participants are welcomed to the programme and invited to share their personal objectives and people challenges Participants are given an action plan template to complete throughout the workshop 2 Your team The concept of 'positive intention' The difference between a team and a high performing team Assess your team effectiveness What is your 'interference'? 3 The team environment Setting the scene Building rapport Active listening Team goals and role profiling 4 Your style Tuckman model of team stages - how do you manage each stage? Team standards and goals Your team vision 5 Effective team meetings Influencing in team meetings How to make them interesting and relevant The pure role of the chair Day 2 1 Effective communication techniques Giving and receiving feedback Your communication style How to adapt, pace and lead to build rapport The Mehrabian theory of communication 2 How to manage conflict What is conflict? What is your default conflict approach? Tools and tips for managing conflict Practice sessions 3 Team skills Undertake a team skills analysis Types of team member Motivating team members Reframing situations 4 Setting your strategy Seeing the bigger picture The Prime Focus Model Your strategy for success Articulating your strategy Action plans revisited
Do you hear yourself saying the same thing over and over again? Do you want to bring some new skills to your role? If you have been in a sales role for some time it is easy to fall into a comfortable pattern. This workshop will help you incorporate advanced techniques drawn from NLP, behavioural science and social psychology into your existing skills. This course will help you: Use the consultative sales process to achieve more cross-sales Employ advanced rapport-building skills Assess the buying preferences of a customer Articulate the link between customer goals and needs Identify your customer's needs and wants Use advanced questioning techniques to gather information Resist the temptation to tell when it would be better to ask Identify communication preferences Given various scenarios, present a product to the explicit need of a customer Appreciate the impact of the language used during this stage of the sale and decide what language is appropriate with a variety of customers Handle objections positively Close the sale or gain commitment to further action 1 Introduction Aims and objectives of the training Personal introductions and objectives Self-assessment of existing sales skills Overview of content 2 Understanding yourself and your customers Personal communication style and what this means in a sales situation Wants versus needs What motivates people to buy Using social media tools such as LinkedIn Managing your portfolio to maximise sales Preparing to sell 3 The sales process Overview of the consultative sales process Review personal strengths and weaknesses as a salesperson Habits of top-performing sales people Common pitfalls Articulate sales goals 4 Building rapport 11 decisions that customers make in the first 9 seconds Spotting buyer communication preferences Building rapport with a wide variety of customers Dealing with emotions Keeping control 5 Questioning and listening Assumptions and how they trip us up Structured questioning Looking for cross-sales Honing your listening skills Identifying buyers' motivation Using summaries to move the customer forward 6 Presenting products and services to customers Choosing the right time to present Using features, advantages and benefits Tailoring your presentation of products and services to match buyer preferences and motivations 7 Gaining commitment When to close Dealing with difficult customers 5 things to avoid when handling a customer objection 8 Managing your business The link between service and sales Using customer surveys Winning back lost business 9 Putting it all together Skills practice Personal learning summary and action plans
Maximising the team's sales capability is the key aim for any sales manager. When sales people struggle to hit their targets, it falls to the sales manager to provide support and help colleagues to find their way again. One of the most effective techniques for sales managers to improve and maintain sales performance is by providing live sales coaching. Sales coaching encourages sales people to find their own solutions and take responsibility for their own development. This course will help participants: Develop people to fulfil their sales potential Provide motivational feedback Identify strengths and weaknesses of their team members Understand personal learning styles Identify and adapt for different personality styles Prepare and conduct on-the-job observations Motivate sales people to greater performance 1 How is sales coaching different from sales training? What is coaching? Discover how coaching empowers sales people Learn the best time to use sales coaching Decide which people should be coached first Creating a development plan 2 Understanding learning, behavioural and communication styles Use practical tools to help you assess individual styles Tap into the essence and energy of the person you are developing Understand your own learning, behavioural and communication preferences Develop a strategy to adopt for each member of your team Discover what motivates you and your salespeople to perform Appreciate how this knowledge will improve your sales conversion 3 Using the GROW coaching model Learn the secrets of a successful coaching session Discover the importance of SMART objectives and instructions Understand and capture what coachees are currently doing right Develop their problem-solving and decision-making skills Help your colleagues crystalise their plans and actions Provide follow-up opportunities to embed the learning 4 Giving motivational feedback Understand why effective feedback is so powerful in sales Learn key models for motivational feedback Discover how to manage and structure more difficult conversations Understand the power of positive reinforcement Encourage sales people to coach and support colleagues 5 Putting it into practice Use realistic scenarios to provide opportunities for practice Discover what it feels like to be coached Receive immediate feedback on your coaching style Share common performance issues with fellow sales managers Create a personal development plan 6 Preparing on-the-job observations and joint visits Build a strategy for coaching and team development Prepare an observation template for effective coaching Learn the key elements of preparation for your next coaching session Agree common areas to focus on with coachees 7 Action planning Personal action plans
The principles of effective time management are applicable to all aspects of life. When successfully applied in a sales environment they can lead to improved performance, higher sales and increased customer satisfaction. All salespeople would benefit from learning the tools and techniques to introduce impactful time management to their working lives. We have developed this programme to be practical, fun and interactive. Participants will better understand how to increase the amount of time spent on high-value sales activities, be able to improve their self-motivation and ability to get more done, and be better able to plan, delegate and speed up routine tasks. This course will help participants: Learn key principles of managing sales priorities, meeting targets and getting 'everything' done! Learn proven techniques for structuring your day, week and normal routine Develop effective sales time management at the office and on the road Learn a seven-step process for setting goals and objectives in your work and personal life Understand how to make time for sales prospecting, designated call days Understand practical ways to improve your time management 1 Key principles of sales time management Course objectives and review of time log Essential principles of sales time management How do you use your time now? Reviewing your working day (from pre-course survey) Beliefs and feelings about time 2 Managing sales priorities and planning systems Managing priorities and planning systems Use organised persistence to plan your sales activity Planning your territory and prospecting activity How to use priority ratings not urgency to react to tasks 3 Dealing with distractions and communication skills Know your time 'bandits' and creating more positive habits to overcome them Making time by saying 'no' assertively and managing expectations Assertiveness techniques for handling colleagues and clients Making meetings worthwhile - preparation and planning 4 Sales goal setting and action planning Set clear, concise, and motivating sales goals and action plans How to set and use goal setting as way of managing your time and increasing results The principles of linking SMART objectives to action plans and daily activities 5 Creating results focus - every day, week, and month Batch sales tasks together, starting with emails Planning your day and week and protecting sales 'prime' time Apply the 80/20 to your sales contacts, clients, and prospects 6 Overcoming procrastination and structuring your day Understanding procrastination, what it is and how to recognise it in yourself and others How to stop procrastinating and start making progressing Build a power prospecting hour into every day Smart stuff to make more sales time: five automated tools Live the $64,000 dollar question
Take your sales people from average to high performance. Motivate and develop experienced sales professionals with some new insights and learning. Applying NLP principles, techniques and models, this workshop will introduce the core attitudes and behaviours that differentiate the excellent sales person from the average one. The programme will help participants: Understand and adopt the mindset and beliefs needed for sales excellence Build rapport and connect with buyers at a deeper and more personal level Recognise some of the thinking and language patterns that make each individual unique Ask powerful questions to further understand the unique world of the individual and how they make decisions Apply tools and techniques to empathise with clients - seeing things from their perspectives Tailor their sales approach to the individual buyer's style, and talk in their language Influence with integrity and sell to organisations and individuals successfully 1 Introduction Aims and objectives of the programme Personal introductions and objectives Workshop overview 2 An introduction to NLP and sales excellence with NLP An overview of NLP and applying it to selling The pillars of NLP The NLP model of communication The difference that makes the difference 3 Building enhanced rapport Defining rapport and why it is important when selling Going beyond the initial small talk Building relationships with individual decision-makers Matching and mirroring Levels of rapport 4 Understanding the buyer's personal buying map How we take in, filter and process information How we judge others based on our own experiences of the world The different ways in which we communicate when selling Recognising and understanding the language and thinking patterns of others Adapting your sales communication style to different buyers 5 Making sense of the buying process How we filter information through our senses Understanding how we see, hear and experience the world Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic buyers Listening for key insights What different buyers want from you to help them to buy Applying sensory awareness to the sales process 6 Successful sales mindset The connection between thoughts and actions The sales beliefs of excellence Identifying negative thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back How to change your mindset Adopting the sales beliefs of excellence 7 Powerful questions Reviewing and honing your questioning skills Understanding the questions that great sales people ask Avoiding assumptions Clean language questions Getting to the bottom of it - precision questions Turbo-charging how you qualify 8 Influencing with integrity Understanding empathy Stepping into the buyer's shoes Speaking the buyer's language Tailoring your sales approach to the individual Match, pace, lead - how to take your buyer with you 9 Putting it all together Personal learning summary and action plans
The often-used phrase, 'just the receptionist', completely misrepresents the role. An excellent receptionist is a most valuable resource for any organisation. This programme has been designed specifically to deal with the essential skills necessary to represent the organisation to the best possible effect. It will also help you get the most out of your working day. There are six key reasons to take part in this workshop. It will help you: See your role in a new light Develop your communication skills Deal with different types of customer and situation Boost your confidence Cope in a pressurised environment Get more satisfaction from your working day 1 Introduction Workshop objectives and personal objectives The challenges of 21st century communication What makes an excellent point of Reception? And why is it so important? Who and where are our customers? As a customer, how do you like to be treated? What makes people feel valued? Objective and subjective aspects of customer service 'Micro moments' that shape the relationship 2 Communication on reception Definition of communication Barriers to good communication The 'recipe' of verbal, vocal and visual aspects of communication Differences between communicating face-to-face and on the telephone Communication 'leaks' The primitive human response The impact of visual communication - body language, gesture and facial expression Voice - tone, speed, volume, pitch, clarity, inflection, pacing Words - positive words and phrases compared with negative terminology Professional greetings face-to-face Steering the conversation with effective questioning 3 Telephone excellence How we use the telephone Qualities of the telephone Non-verbal communication on the telephone - what aspects can be 'seen' by the other person? Professional telephone etiquette Taking and leaving messages - key points that can help customers, colleagues and the organisation Clarifying information 4 Listening skills for accuracy and relationship building How accurate are your listening skills? What are the challenges for accurate listening? Active / empathetic listening 5 Creating a rapport by 'style flexing' Understanding how different people communicate Shaping our message to the other person so that they feel understood How changing situations can alter communication needs 6 Confidence and assertiveness Recognising different styles of behaviour - aggressive, passive and assertive Qualities of assertive communication - verbal, vocal and visual Assertive techniques - basic, persistence, negotiation / empathetic Demonstrating confidence 7 Coping in a pressurised environment Words - the most useful ones to use with stressed people and identifying the 'red rag' words Challenging situations - what do you find difficult and how do you respond? Dealing with outbursts of anger Bringing non-stop talkers back from their tangent Constructive ways to say 'no' 8 Pulling it all together Action plans Summary of key learning points
This practical, enjoyable day will give you the tools to go and do your job effectively and the opportunity to practise using them in a safe and supportive environment before putting them into practice for real back in the workplace. To inspire, you need to be inspired!Having the right set of skills, tools and techniques helps us to manage in a productive and beneficial way. Above all, the workshop will inspire you with the determination to engage with the people you manage to produce greater levels of achievement. This workshop will enable you to: Understand what the role of the manager is Engage and inspire a team to perform Recognise the range of styles appropriate for different situations and how your communication style impacts Provide clear direction on your team's purpose, role and responsibilities Understand how to create a motivating environment for those who report to you Hold them accountable for delivery Hold performance conversations Review and evaluate your learning and have a plan to take back and implement at work 1 Bringing the role to life Starting the day with sharing your current ideals and approaches using the pre workshop task Understanding what you bring to your role and your objectives for the day 2 The role and responsibilities of a manager: an overview Responsibility and accountability Producing results Managing teams Developing individuals 3 Communication excellence The model of a team communicator What type of communicator are you and what about your team? Practical interactive group exercise 4 Your role as a team leader - shaping how we work using the organisation's values Your role Your team's role Enabling your team to deliver in a changing mindset 5 Engaging and motivating your team Exercise: using a leadership model to explore how you are enabling your team to engage with current change, what's getting in the way and how you will manage this in your organisational context Peer and group task and discussion 6 Addressing motivation at team and individual level in times of change Exercises:Identifying approaches to motivating people at work based on a work based model of motivation: team taskExploring a behavioural model of motivation: team discussion Review in plenary 7 Holding people accountable The work cycle model of team performance: Agree purposeSet objectivesMonitor performanceProvide feedbackCompliance vs. commitment Professional discussion in small groups Exercise: Practising short conversations using peer coaching support 8 Review of learning and action planning Personal review and action planning Group review of learning Evaluation
Telephone selling can be a challenge. It can be a pressured environment and sales professionals need to be able to maintain peak performance in order to meet - and preferably exceed - their targets. This programme will help make it easier for them. The expert trainer covers the whole process, to help participants see it from their customer's perspective. The focus is on how to use a practical understanding of sales psychology, and of the nature of the telephone sales conversation, to help make it easier for customers to buy. This programme will give your team the skills to: This course will help participants: Understand why people buy - and how that makes it easier to sell Manage the sales process better Steer their sales calls to a more positive outcome Recognise - and respond to - customer buying signals Meet and overcome objections Choose the most appropriate techniques for closing with confidence Enhance their resilience Improve their communication skills on the telephone 1 Introduction Aims and objectives Overview Self-appraisal of current skills and development areas 2 The sales approach What selling means Why selling is like nature 3 The telephone as an instrument of communication Qualities of the telephone How telephone communication differs from face-to-face Advantages and drawbacks of the telephone How to optimise selling over the telephone Communication techniques to help you stand out from the crowd 4 Creating a relationship Professional telephone etiquette Building a rapport Connecting with the customer so that they feel you are on the same wavelength 5 The structure of a sales call Opening the call - creating a positive first impression Effective questioning to gather information and establish need Identifying and presenting the features and benefits of the product or service Matching the benefits to customers' needs Recognising and responding to buying signals Anticipating, meeting and overcoming objections Closing the sale and asking for the order - different closing techniques The importance of testimonials - how to obtain them and when to use them 6 Listening skills The challenges of accurate listening How to enhance listening skills Ensuring the customer feels heard and understood through empathetic listening 7 Shaping and using a script Developing a script to increase levels of confidence Leaving the door open 8 Managing the campaign Organisation and call planning Identifying your target market group Planning who and when to call Logging constructive information 9 Personal management The importance of persistence Is there a time to back off? Stamina - optimising energy levels Bouncing back 10 Practising the new information Pulling the details together Practising in a supportive environment 11 Action planning Personal learning summary and action plan
Conflict is a word that conjures up many emotions. It is something that most people would prefer to avoid, if possible. Work can be an emotive place. Positive relationships can make your life at work exciting, motivating and challenging, whilst relationships that do not hold value to you could make your life very difficult and stressful, especially if there is conflict between you and your manager. This course is essential for people who want to understand where conflict can be used to positive effect and how to manage conflict in your working relationships and see it as something positive that can stimulate the environment. Research has shown that relationships at work are an extremely high motivational factor, and for a lot of people it has a higher importance that salary! Therefore, it is essential that we invest in relationships and search out new ways to make them better in order to have a more positive influence on our surroundings. By understanding why other people are in conflict we can manage the conversation a lot better, with outcomes managed more effectively so the 'conflict' will add value to the organisation. This participative event will cover a wide variety of exercises and personal stories, and leave course participants with a clear strategy to identify when they are in conflict with someone and how they will structure their approach to get to a satisfactory outcome. This is a workshop that targets anyone where conflict needs to be managed and cannot seem to resolve it, whether internally or externally. At the end of the day, participants will: Know their key relationships and the strength of those relationships Complete the Strengths Deployment Inventory (SDI) to identify where you deploy your strengths Understand what is important to you and your key stakeholders Know how motivational value systems can influence behaviour Tailor your communication style to match that of your opposite party Know conflict strategies to resolve conflict in others Learn to be more assertive when challenging Achieve key personal, departmental and organisational objectives 1 Where are you now? How effective are your current working relationships? Can I work effectively without the input from others? Who do you need to be a success? 2 The Strengths Deployment Inventory (SDI) Completion of the SDI questionnaire An understanding of the theory A 'trip around the triangle' Predicting relationship interaction Your scores and what they mean in your relationships 3 Conflict theory What is conflict? The 3 flags of conflict What are your conflict triggers? Your conflict scores plotted The conflict sequence 4 Conflict resolution strategies Early warning signs Most productive behaviours Least productive behaviours Preventable / unwarranted conflict Review of the dynamic triangle Review of the day, personal learning and action planning
In today's fast-moving competitive environment, sales are often made or lost on the strength of a telephone conversation or a brief email. This means that not only is customer service everyone's responsibility - so is sales. Customer service staff are failing the customer if they don't think about sales. And sales staff are failing customers if they don't think about service. And anyone failing a customer is failing both themselves and their employer. Too often, customer service staff feel neither capable nor empowered to recognise or capitalise upon a sales opportunity. Too often, sales people pursue the short-term opportunity at the expense of the bigger picture. The good news is - it doesn't have to be this way! Sales and customer service skills can be acquired, developed and polished just like any other skill. This tried-and-tested programme shows you how to do it. As a result of this course, participants will be able to: Take control of a customer conversation, with confidence Refresh and polish their customer service and sales performance Recognise and develop a sales opportunity Engage the customer and build rapport Identify a customer's needs Match the customer's needs to the organisation's products or services Handle objections confidently Ask for the order At the end of the workshop each participant will have developed their own action plan for developing and using their skills in the workplace. 1 Introduction Course overview, objectives and introductions 2 Serving or selling? Feelings and attitudes - How we can affect the outcome by our feelings and behaviour What is selling? - Selling is helping people to buy, identifying the opportunities that exist within the conversation to develop the customer's interest in our products or services 3 Developing the right skills Communication- The impact of body language, voice tone and words- How to make the best impression on the customer and create a 'buying environment' Rapport-building- What makes a good working relationship?- What do customers look for when they call us?- How can we match their expectations in terms of our own interpersonal skills? Relating to different types of people by identifying and matching their communication style on the telephone 4 Making it easy for the customer Starting it right- Opening the conversation positively- Building rapport- How to develop interest in our products or services Gaining and clarifying information- Questioning skills and questioning style- What do we need to know from the customer?- How can we use that information in the conversation? Active listening- The most under-rated skill of all- Picking up on the 'Golden Moments' when a customer shows they may be interested Presenting information confidently- Knowing the benefits of our products or services- How to tell the customer what they need to know in order to enable them to buy Closing on a positive note- When and how to ask for commitment Dealing with the customer's objections and concerns in a positive manner 5 Course summary and action plans Review of main learning points Presentation of personal action plans