shine clinical
We wanted to build tools to enable clinicians within primary care to manage
their increasing workload of clinical and administrative tasks more efficiently.
We had been very impressed with the various tools and applications that have
sprung up in primary care in the last few years, however, we are certain there
are still key areas which need to be addressed. We approached and offered our
services to a group of initial practices, and what became rapidly apparent is
that these practices did not just need another tool, they needed clinical and
administrative resources to help with the workload. As one practice manager put
it “A new improved spade is great, but right now we really need help with the
digging”. We now provide not only the tools to help primary care increase
efficiency but also the clinical expertise and resources to help GP practices
with obtaining missed QOF income they rightly deserve. GPs can now delegate
workload to Shine QOF experts who will screen 100% of your patients identified
in your searches and help you unlock £1000s in missed income.