mula cake
It is one of the freshest brands hitting London’s urban fashion markets. This
mid-range British borne brand specialises in producing fun, hip fashionable
street wear such as snap back hats, t-shirts, vests and jumpers in a variety of
colours for today’s fashion conscious young people who like trendy attire that
is unique, of good quality and available at affordable prices. The words `Mula’
and ‘Cake’ were put together by its founder Dexter Simms who believes that both
items bring a mixture of fun and pleasure to everyone. ‘Mula’- meaning money
always helps one to feel happy about life and ‘Cake’ – well they always bring a
sense of enjoyment and pleasure to all that eat them! With over a year of
learning the clothing business, doing a lot of hard work having sheer drive and
being totally committed, this brand is now fully alive and about to take the
world by storm.