Our teaching focuses on upskilling overseas doctors to fully prepare them for the PLAB exam and not ask them to rote learn scripts of OSCE. We believe in empowering doctors to boost their confidence and skills. We focus on teaching 25 strategies to deal with any clinical situation that may appear in the PLAB exam. This approach makes a doctor competent and also prepares them for new PLAB scenarios.
New Directions | Caring, Inspiring, Empowering.
Off Limits - Adventure Activities & Corporate Events Off Limits offer various adventure activities such as Rock Climbing, Canoeing & Multi Activity days.
Welcome to Tranmere Sailing Club tranmere sailing club founded in 1892 provide a friendly and enjoyable environment to sail along the river mersey and meet up with friends. 4 bedford road east, rock ferry, wirral, ch42 1ls.
Kirkby Valley Golf Club :: Kirkby Valley Golf Club Kirkby Valley Golf Club
Singing Lessons Wirral Elizabeth Brame Singing Teacher and Vocal Coach CTABRSM BA Elizabeth has always believed that singing is for everyone. Freeing the human voice in song can trigger a great sense of joy, energy and wellbeing. Students come to Elizabeth’s lessons for a variety of reasons, including: Junior School children for fun and to start learning the […]
Milap - Uniting Arts through Hearts Uniting Arts through Hearts…