omnibus education
Omnibus Education has been developed to offer a wide range of educational
services to support schools and Multi Academy Trusts target skills gaps and
improve their educational provision. By maximising development of teaching
professionals to facilitate optimum outcomes for pupils. Omnibus have key
personnel with a strong educational background, both academically and on a
practical level. Our lead practitioner is a well- respected and sought after
educationalist with over 20 years of experience in the field of education, both
at a practical and strategic level. This includes experience of delivering
programmes of school improvement activities including Special Educational Needs
and also experience as a head teacher. We have formed strong strategic
partnerships and are informed by up to date research in the field of education.
This combination of current academic thinking alongside proven practical
experience allows us to create meaningful bespoke and practical solutions, which
are tailored to the schools’ individual training and development needs.