2407 Yateley & Eversley Air Cadets Air Cadets in Yateley & Eversley, their activities, joining information, information for current cadets.
Coach Associates Ltd
Woking Tai Chi for Health | Not-for-profit classes in the middle of Thursdays A not-for-profit club near Woking Station that meets Thursday afternoons
Yoga with Barbara – Yoga in Berkshire and Surrey, UK Welcome to Barbara's Yoga in Sandhurst, Berkshire. An online yoga class on a Friday morning at 10am to 11.15. Whether you are a beginner, a regular...
Is BSR for me? Body Stress Release is for everyone…and every BODY! Most of us carry stress and tension from our everyday lives. Some stress in our lives can be positive. After all, stress caused by everyday challenges can help us to grow and develop. But when that stress becomes overwhelming, it can start to affect our mental and physical wellbeing. A regular BSR session can help to keep your body in balance – offering relief from small aches and niggles to more serious pain and discomfort. Body Stress Release is suitable for all ages including infants and the elderly.