forest school training collaborative
The value of outdoor learning opportunities for children and young people is
undisputed... FSTC is one of the foremost suppliers of quality Forest School
training since 2004 and delivers training throughout England and Scotland. We
work with organisations such as The Forestry Commission (FC), Forest Education
Network (FEN), Local Education Authorities and Wildlife Trusts. We train
professionals such as teachers, Early Years practitioners, Countryside and
Education Rangers, youth-workers and policy advisors. Our website is divided
into two main sections, Forest School and Training. To see the full content of
each section click on either of the two black buttons above. 1) The Forest
School section is concerned with what Forest School is, demystifying some of the
misconceptions about FS, as well as containing information about the benefits,
learning process and the ethos of FS. 2) The Training section is all about our
FS training courses, including information about our modular training course,
the various levels of training available, as well as the dates of our courses
and booking facilities.