Sessions can happen ONLINE or IN PERSON. Please read below to choose the session that is more appropriate for you (you'll be asked to select one in the booking process) If you have questions please drop me an email Don't worry if you do not know what to select, just come and I'll be happy to help you:-) Shamanism is probably the oldest way to see through our hearts and not our eyes to connect with the nature of our creation. It allows us to go behind and beyond the surface of things, to understand why and how certain situations occur in our lives. Shamanism is a spiritual practice that goes beyond every beliefs and culture and is about trying to reach our full potential as we walk on planet earth, so connecting ourselves to the whole. Shamans were described as the first physicians, magicians, artists, storytellers, spiritual beings. But shamans are healers that make changes in invisible realms to help healing in the ordinary reality of the community. Shamans see in the darkness (which is the meaning of the Siberian word “Shaman”) while connecting with the divine outside the time in an altered state of consciousness. We can work together using different methods: A) Shamanic healing We can work together to solve one of these imbalances in your life, where you feel: lost and without life purpose, unhappy and unsatisfied, anxious and worried, overwhelmed and stressed, without energy and hope, uncertain about your future, stuck in repetitive dynamics, unable to manifest abundance, incapable of making decisions,not aligned with your heart, disconnected from the universe,impatient and impulsive, not focused and balanced, with low esteem and more? B) Ikigai coaching to find your soul mission through shamanic work Ikigai is the manifestation, the realization of who you are. It has always been with you, it is your reason for being. Some people are lucky to find a job that corresponds to their true passion. They earn a living doing what they love. But there are a lot of people that do not have such a privilege or can’t find the courage for such a big change.The Japanese people from the island of Okinawa have a word for you: Ikigai. It’s your “reason for being”, where you combine what you love with what you are good. Ikigai is 'what makes you happy to get out of bed in the morning' and is formed by the union of two words: iki which means 'life' and gai that is 'what is worthwhile' which the ancients called “happiness”, your soul mission. Our session together will be a deep inner journey, suitable for those who already know their life mission and those who have no clue at all about it or just are not aware how to combine their gifts and skills. You will reconnect with your inner voice and true skills to realize your true life mission. C) Shamanic divination is a powerful practice rooted in the traditions of indigenous cultures worldwide. It involves using sacred tools like bones, stones, eggs, sticks, shells, beads and more to access wisdom from the past and present. These tools reveal patterns, offering guidance on life’s journey. Whether you seek clarity or understanding, the practice connects you with the cosmic web of life. Explore this ancient path to deeper insights with us. There are several options in which I can offer you a reading: Eggs:Egg ‘Limpia’: A Shamanic cleansing ritual and a tool for DivinationThe egg is a powerful tool in shamanic healing, used for ‘Limpia’ (meaning 'cleansing') to remove misplaced energy. As the egg sweeps over the aura and body, it absorbs negative energy, leaving you feeling lighter and rejuvenated.After the cleanse, we interpret the egg in water to gain insights into your emotional, physical, and spiritual state. This sacred ritual, passed down from indigenous healers, helps restore balance and harmony Stones you will need to bring(have with you) 3 medium/big stones with some marks on them and we will then choose 1 and I will guide you through the full process to find the answer to a burning question. My personal reading tools (shells and pebbles) Together in the session we can also find your 9 Power Animals. Everyone has nine power or totem animals that emulate each person’s abilities, talents and challenges. For example if a person is connected to Wolf as a power animal, that person is a born teacher, pathfinder, innovator. This does not mean that the person has acknowledged the gifts. The 9 animals are one for each of Direction (4 plus above, below, within) and two animals that walk aside you each time and that maybe have come to you in dreams for years or that you are simply drawn to. Through the use of cards, while connecting to my Spirit Allies, I will find out which animals are your main guides into your life. D) Spiritual Mentoring I am happy to help you with any questions you have about spirituality, about your personal journey, about any doubts you may have about the next steps to take in life. you will also receive your full essence and symbol from me though "soul remembrance : I will undertake a shamanic journey for you to retrieve the essence of your gifts and talents and a symbol to be blown into your solar plexus. E) Meditation Struggling with your practice or even to sit down quietly for more than 10 minutes? Meditation is simply the creation of a nice space, it’s not achieving exctasy, it’s slowing down and doing something with mindfulness. It is familiarizing with knowledge and bring it to practice. Meditation on a concept is not reflecting on something, it’s to feel it deeply- First you learn how to meditate, then you use it as one of the most precious tools of change. So 1) we learn 2) we understand 3) we familiarize…...and we change! These sessions are designed for your bespoke challenges and needings, for those that feel the urge to quiet the mind and find focus and concentration in their daily life. There is no labelling about the style of these classes, no schools imprinting. My approach is creative and flows according to what my intuition suggests the student would benefit for. We will discuss your available dates if you feel starting a journey and we can work out a suitable package that follows your requirements. Beginners and experienced welcome. GIADA'S JOURNEY Creative and Spiritual Explorer of the human well-being running events for 20 years worldwide Shamanic Teacher *Toltec tradition: three years formal training with Two Birds at Anam Cara, Scotland *Japanese Yamabushi tradition with Selene Calloni Williams Shamanic and Integral Yoga Teacher Ikigai Coach and Forest Therapy Guide qualified with Selene Calloni Williams at the Imaginal Academy Professional Esoteric Numerologist graduated at The Connaissance School of Numerology, England Cacao Alchemist Practitioner obtained with Firetree Alchemy, Scotland Corporate Mental Health Coach achieved with WeFocus, Denmark and twenty years working in corporate Practitioner of Buddhist teachings, meditation and the Five Tibetan Rites Yoga Founder of Drink In Art exhibitions of local artists in private flats Founder of School of Shamanism (formerly Invisible Caims) workshops, classes, therapies, retreats Founder of Art and Spirituality centre for creativity and well-being Co-author of a non-profit book with 33 Italian women about our stories in different countries By attending to our classes, workshops, 1to 1 sessions and retreats you agree to our TERMS AND CONDITIONS Payment Bookings are non-refundable. Disclaimer By booking any event or 1-1 session -online or any other venues – with us, you release Giada Gaslini, Invisible Caims/School of Shamanism, Art and Spirituality and any business partners working with for the event from any liability arising out of any personal injuries, emotional or physical release, death, expectations of results, theft in the venue or damages that may happen to people and objects while attending. We recommend that you consult your GP regarding the suitability of undertaking an exercise programme, if the class you are booking includes it like with yoga or similar, and following all the safety instructions required before beginning to exercise. When participating in an exercise, there is the possibility of sustaining a physical injury. If you engage in this exercise programme, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself. You acknowledge that coaching, shamanic healing and counselling are not to be used as a substitute for psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other professionals. Our sessions are aimed at inner research, problem solving and personal growth, they do not replace the work of doctors and psychotherapists because they do not consider, treat or aim to solve pathologies and symptoms that are strictly medical. All contracts subject to and governed by the law according to my current insurance. Added element of the disclaimer If the class happens in any venue and you are causing any damage to the property, you are taking responsibility of your actions. It is down to the individual to take personal responsibility when participating in physical activity and when entering a space that is used and shared by other parties. Giada Gaslini and Art and Spirituality do not take any responsibility about possible risks that may arise but can only advise and enforce guidelines and legal requirements as defined by the Scottish Government and local authorities.
BECOME A SPIRITUAL WARRIOR MENTOR A journey through Japanese shamanism and philosophy in 13 modules during 3 full week-ends, available online and in person, to become a Spiritual Warrior Mentor and learn practical shamanic practices to use in your sessions and group work. This will require the completion of some case studies and homeworks. It gives you the opportunity to add a job qualification to your holistic experience that can be used in individual sessions or group events. We are a globally certified IPHM training provider (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine). MODULES 1) Loving your imperfection through Wabi Sabi: accept the impermanence of things and recognise the beauty of imperfection, learning to flow like a river. In this module you will learn not to attach yourself to a theory, to a knowledge, but learn how to become flexible in order to be powerful and solve any life problem. 2) Embrace your wish to change through Kaizen: Kaizen is an approach to creating continuous improvement based on the idea that small, ongoing positive changes can reap significant improvements compared to radical changes to achieve transformation. In this module you will learn how to master the art of creating habits. 3) Face life challenges and storm through Hanafubuki: through 'the cherry blossom storm' we have the magical moment when the sakuras begin to fall, creating a delicate blizzard of petals. This concept of ephemeral beauty is a metaphor for human life, rich and beautiful but also fragile and fleeting. In this module you will learn how to remain calm to make the best decisions. 4) Express your own emotions and welcome those of others through Omoiyari: Omoiyari is commonly translated to empathy, but it actually has a deeper meaning; it literally means to give your thoughts to others. In this module you will learn how to release your own emotions and develop empathy and compassion for others. 5) Repair your own soul wounds through Kintsugi: Kintsugi is the art of mending broken objects with gold, it is the art of treasuring your wounds by repairing them with the gold of pure aesthetic experience. The wounds of our lives are seen through the eyes of the soul,which receives and heals them with the gold of death,of rebirth and freedom. In this module you will learn to perform a rite of passage after which nothing will be the same as before. 6) Master the art of patience through Nintai: Nintai is the power of enduring without complaint, without looking for quick results. It means sticking to your path, trusting the process, to your beliefs. In this module you will learn to never give up, to wait for the right time for things to happen. 7) How gratitude changes you and your brain through Itadakimasu: this word means “I humbly receive” and relates to the traditional way of showing gratitude by elevating above one’s head the gift received. Through time, itadakimasu became the expression showing appreciation for the food received. In this module you will learn the benefits of gratitude on your mental health. 8) Learn to become grounded through Shinrin-Yoku: Immersion in nature has scientifically proven therapeutic effects: it can reduce stress hormone concentrations in the body, strengthen the immune system, regulate blood pressure and heart rate, and lower cholesterol. Shinrin-Yoku is an adventure of deep communion with nature. In this module you will learn how to ground yourself. 9) Develop the best version of you through Hanasaki: this is the blossom of a flower. You will use this word for blossoming the best version of yourself. No matter who you are, where you come from, what your path has been so far, in this module you will learn to aspire to a better version of yourself. 10) Less is more: learn to declutter and simplify your life through Danshari: There’s a new movement rising around the world. Perhaps you’ve heard of it: Danshari. It means “refusal, disposal and separation” You can simply translate it as cleaning or tidying up, but this word means more than this. In this module you will learn to abandon attachment to objects and make a better use of them. 11)Connect with your soul mission through Ikigai: ikigai is that thing that gives our existence a marvellous intensity, it is what gives meaning to life or, as the French would say, its raison d’etre. There is a fire inside us: it can burn with more force, it can weaken, but then it can come back stronger than ever. Ikigai cannot be a simple mental vision, as it is wider, deeper and absolute than the thinking mind. You can only live it, and only by living it can you know it. In this module you will learn the first steps to move nearer to your soul mission. 12)Accept your own shadows, feeling a part of the universe through Yugen: Beauty is Darkness. Shadows are what allow the visible to emerge. The whole world and ourselves are a constant duality: we wake up and go to bed, the sun rises and goes down, we feel on top of the world and we feel stressed, we move in and out, we feel active and we feel lazy and so on. It’s the natural flow of the universe, nothing lasts in the same status forever. In this module you will learn to keep this duality between inner light and darkness stable and to reach the perfect moment. 13)Accept the impermanence of life through mono no aware: ‘this is the deep feeling or pathos of things, the powerful emotions that objects can evoke or instil in us. It is often associated with a poignant feeling of transience, a beautiful sadness in the passing of lives and objects, like the glorious colour of autumn leaves as they are about to fall. In this module you will learn how to let go of our attachments to transient things. Through this certified course you will learn these for yourself and to help others in their transformation if you are an holistic therapist: ● to become grounded and calm ● to create fundamental daily habits ● to have the right approach to solve any life challenge and storm ● how to flow with life ● to express your emotions and develop compassion ● to repair your own wounds ● to practise patience and gratitude ● to become a better version of yourself ● to be nearer to meet your soul mission You can choose: Online (either live or receiving the recordings) or at the Art and Spirituality Centre 6-8 Alexander Drive EH11 2RH Edinburgh First week-end 22nd-23rd February 2025 10am-5pm Saturday Modules 1,2 (Wabi sabi, Kaizen) Sunday Modules 3,4 (Hanafubuki, Omoyari) Second week-end 15th-16th March 2025 10am-5pm Saturday Modules 5,6 (Kintsugi, Nintai) Sunday Modules 7,8, 9 (Itadakimasu, Shinrin-Yoku, Hanasaki) Third week-end 14th-15th June 2025 10am-5pm Saturday Modules 10,11 (Danshari, Ikigai) Sunday Modules 12,13 (Yugen, Mono No Aware) If you are not available to attend, you can catch up with the recordings and do your homeworks in order to qualify. You an also attend one day or one week-end only. Cost The full course with qualification: £450 Option A) Pay the whole course in full with £50 discount, so just £400 and get a free 1-1 session with me (online or in person) of the value of £100 Option B) Pay a Deposit £150 to secure your place, £150 1st March and £150 1st June 2025 Option C) Join individal week-ends with no qualification £150 each Option D) Join one day only £75 each Disclaimer By booking any event or 1-1 session -online or any other venues – with us, you release Giada Gaslini, Invisible Caims/School of Shamanism, Art and Spirituality and any business partners working with for the event from any liability arising out of any personal injuries, emotional or physical release, death, expectations of results, theft in the venue or damages that may happen to people and objects while attending. We recommend that you consult your GP regarding the suitability of undertaking an exercise programme, if the class you are booking includes it like with yoga or similar, and following all the safety instructions required before beginning to exercise. When participating in an exercise, there is the possibility of sustaining a physical injury. If you engage in this exercise programme, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself. You acknowledge that coaching, shamanic healing and counselling are not to be used as a substitute for psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other professionals. Our sessions are aimed at inner research, problem solving and personal growth, they do not replace the work of doctors and psychotherapists because they do not consider, treat or aim to solve pathologies and symptoms that are strictly medical. All contracts subject to and governed by the law according to my current insurance. Added element of the disclaimer If the class happens in any venue and you are causing any damage to the property, you are taking responsibility of your actions. It is down to the individual to take personal responsibility when participating in physical activity and when entering a space that is used and shared by other parties. Giada Gaslini does not take any responsibility about possible risks that may arise but can only advise and enforce guidelines and legal requirements as defined by the Scottish Government and local authorities. Giada's Journey Creative explorer of the human well-being with twenty years’ experience running events, workshops and retreats. Co-author of a non-profit book with other 33 Italian women about their stories in different countries. She has been learning to heal herself supportinga Holistic connection between mind, body and spirit. She has been studying and practicing Buddhist teachings, meditation and the Five Tibetan Rites Yoga in Nepal, India and Italy. Approached the imaginal world and dreams with the psychologist Elio Occhipinti and a regressive hypnosis journey with the vision of the psychiatrist Brian Weiss. Her studies and practice have helped her become: Shamanic Practitioner and Teacher with the two years formal training at Anam Cara and one year in Wales Shamanic and Integral Yoga Teacher, Ikigai Coach,Forest Therapy Guide qualified with Selene Calloni Williams at the Imaginal Academy and part of the Italian-Swiss Association for Counselling and Coaching, Aiscon. Professional Esoteric Numerologist graduated at The Connaissance School of Numerology Corporate Mental Health Coach achieved with WeFocus Founder of Drink In Art exhibitions of local artists in private flats Founder of Invisible Caims creative and spiritual workshops, classes and therapies Founder of the Art and Spirituality Centre centre for creativity and well-being in Edinburgh
Train-The-Trainer 1 Day Training in Edinburgh
Train-The-Trainer 1 Day Training in Dunfermline
Train-The-Trainer 1 Day Training in Livingston
Stress can affect your ability to think clearly and rationally and to perform well. This session aims to help you better deal with stress by sharing key insights and strategies to reduce stress and optimize your work-life balance, particularly as we face uncertainties in the economy, the workplace and the environment.
Managing Stress and Building Resilience: In-House Training Stress has an impact on all of us at some point in our professional lives. Learning how to manage stress and build resilience will result in higher professional productivity, better health, and more sustainable living habits. It will also help us create a physical - and emotional - work-life balance. In this one-day workshop, you will learn practical solutions to sustain behavior change that can positively impact your life on both a professional and personal level. When you are able to reduce the level of negative stress that affects you, your performance improves, along with your health and happiness. The objective of this course is therefore not only to create awareness around emotional well-being in a work context, but also to help participants create a better overall balance between the investment they make in their personal and professional lives. This course covers how our perceptions affect our beliefs and how our beliefs affect our actions. You will learn a host of stress-reduction techniques, while exploring your own stress triggers and responses. Highly interactive, the sessions cover a blend of theory, discussions, and exercises. You will explore concepts with fellow participants within a safe environment where skills and habits can be developed, sharpened, and improved. What You Will Learn At the end of this program, you will be able to: Identify what stress feels like and what the typical symptoms and reactions are to stress Analyze your own responses to stressful events and the consequences of those reactions Organize your work structure to reduce stress and build resilience Recognize activities that drain you and those that give you energy Generate relief from stressful events Cultivate a mindset of resilience Better manage your time, work commitments, and personal boundaries in order to be most effective at your job Getting Started What is stress? Beliefs and thinking errors Work-life balance Drainers and energizers Stress reduction techniques Time management Summary and Next Steps
Managing Stress in Challenging Times: In-House Training This course looks at the symptoms and causes of stress and how these affect us emotionally, behaviorally, and physically. You will learn some simple stress-busting techniques that will have a positive influence on your beliefs and behaviors around stress. You will also have the opportunity to develop a personal action plan which will serve as an ongoing reference point for dealing with pressure in its many forms - home, family, social, and work. What You Will Learn At the end of this program, you will be able to: Recognize the symptoms and causes of stress Manage and reduce the effects of stress in your life with simple stress-busting techniques Create a simple personalized plan to manage stress and promote a healthier, happier, and more productive lifestyle Getting Started Foundation Concepts What is stress? Why stress matters Flight or fight response and role of hormones Work-Life Balance How to create balance and set boundaries Learning how to say 'no' Stress-Reduction Techniques Visualization and relaxation techniques Behaviors and beliefs Putting things in perspective Circle of influence (vs. circle of control) Slowing down Be Responsible and Kind to Yourself Basic human needs Honest communication Your responsibility to yourself and others Calming thoughts
About this Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) The 5 half-day Piping Stress Engineering Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) course will systematically expose participants to: The theory and practice of piping stress engineering, with special reference to ASME B 31.1 and ASME B 31.3 Standards. The basic principles and theories of stress and strain and piping stress engineering, through a series of lessons, case study presentations, in-class examples, multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and mandatory exercises. Principal stresses and shear stresses which form the backbone of stress analysis of a material. Expressions for these quantities will be derived using vector algebra from fundamentals. Thermal stress-range, sustained and occasional stresses, code stress equations, allowable stresses, how to increase flexibility of a piping system, cold spring. The historical development of computational techniques from hand calculations in the 1950s to the present-day software. Training Objectives On completion of this VILT course, participants will be able to: Identify potential loads the piping systems and categorise the loads to primary and secondary. Determine stresses that develop in a pipe due to various types of loads and how to derive stress-load relationships, starting from scratch. Treat the primary and secondary stresses in piping system in line with the intent of ASME Standards B 31.1 and B 31.3 and understand how the two codes deal with flexibility of piping systems, concepts of self-springing and relaxation/shake down, displacement stress range and fatigue, what is meant by code compliance. Understand the principles of flexibility analysis, piping elements and their individual effects, flexibility factor, flexibility characteristic, bending of a curved beam and importance of virtual length of an elbow in the flexibility of a piping system. Learn stress intensification factors of bends, branch connections and flanges. Understand how the stresses in the material should be controlled for the safety of the piping system, the user and the environment. Examine how codes give guidance to determine allowable stresses, stress range reduction due to cyclic loading, and effects sustained loads have on fatigue life of piping. Confidently handle terminal forces and moments on equipment. Understand the supplementary engineering standards required to establish acceptance of the equipment terminal loads and what can be done when there are no engineering standard governing equipment terminal loads is available and learn the techniques of local stress analysis. Get a thorough understanding of the concepts and the rules established by the ASME B 31.1 and ASME B 31.3 Standards. Perform flange load analysis calculations based on Kellogg's Equivalent Pressure method & Nuclear Code method. Perform the same using a piping stress analysis software and check for flange stresses and leakage. Confidently undertake formal training of piping stress analysis using any commercial software, with a clear understanding of what happens within the software rather than a 'blind' software training and start the journey of becoming a specialist piping stress engineer. Target Audience The VILT course is intended for: Recent mechanical engineering graduates who desire to get into the specialist discipline of Piping Stress Engineering. Junior mechanical, chemical, structural and project engineers in the industry who wish to understand the basics of Piping Stress Engineering. Engineers with some process plant experience who desire to progress into the much sought-after specialist disciplines of Piping Stress Engineering. Mechanical, process and structural engineers with some process plant experience who desire to upskill themselves with the knowledge in piping stress engineering and to become a Piping Stress Engineer. Any piping engineer with some pipe stressing experience in the industry who wish to understand the theory and practice of Piping Stress Engineering at a greater depth. A comprehensive set of course notes, practice exercises and multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are included. Participants will be given time to raise questions and participants will be assessed and graded based on responses to MCQs and mandatory exercises. A certificate will be issued to each participant and it will carry one of the three performance levels: Commendable, Merit or Satisfactory, depending on how the participant has performed in MCQs and mandatory exercises. Training Methods The VILT course will be delivered online in 5 half-day sessions comprising 4 hours per day, with 2 breaks of 10 minutes per day. Course Duration: 5 half-day sessions, 4 hours per session (20 hours in total). Trainer Your expert course leader is a fully qualified Chartered Professional Engineer with over 40 years of professional experience in Oil & Gas (onshore and offshore), Petrochemical and Mining industries in engineering, engineering/design management and quality technical management related to plant design and construction. At present, he is assisting a few Perth based oil & gas and mining companies in detail engineering, piping stress analysis, feasibility study and business development work related to plant design. He is a pioneer in piping stress engineering in Western Australia. His recent major accomplishments include the following roles and challenges: Quality Technical Support Manager of USD 54 billion (Gorgon LNG Project). This encompassed management of quality technical services connected with Welding, Welding Related Metallurgy, Non-Destructive Examination, Insulation /Refractory /Coating, AS2885 Pipelines Regulatory Compliance and Pressure Vessel Registration. Regional Piping Practice Lead and Lead Piping Engineer of Hatch Associates. In this role, he was responsible for providing discipline leadership to several mining projects for BHP Billiton (Ravensthorpe), ALCOA-Australia (Alumina), Maáden Saudi Arabia (Alumina), QSLIC China (Magnesium), COOEC China (O&G Gorgon). He was actively involved in the development of piping engineering practice in WA, including training and professional development of graduate, junior and senior engineers. This also includes the formation of the Piping Engineering Specialist Group. Lead Piping/Pipe Stress Engineer on ConocoPhillips' (COP) Bayu Undan Gas Recycle, Condensate production and processing platform. He was able to develop several novel design methodologies for the project and provided training to engineers on how to implement them. These methodologies were commended by COP and the underwriters of the project Lloyds Register of Shipping, UK. Creator of Piping Engineering Professional Course aimed at global engineering community. Professional Affiliations: Fellow, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK (IMechE) Fellow, Institution of Engineers, Australia (EA), National Register of Engineers (NER) Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA (ASME) Honorary Life Member, Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL) POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information about post training coaching support and fees applicable for this. Accreditions And Affliations
Conflict Management 1 Day Training in Livingston