blue chip education
ABOUT US Blue Chip Education Pvt. Ltd. was established in 2003 which is now an
ISO 9001:2008 certified company and one of the leading Skill development
organisation who prides itself for providing hands-on practical professional
training along with online classes to both individuals as well as corporate
professionals. Started on January 2003, Blue Chip Education has already expanded
in different parts of North-East. Blue Chip believes in innovation in the field
of education ... Read more BLUE CHIP HIGHLIGHTS ISO 9001:2008 certified company.
Courses are equipped with industry accepted technology. Content-based training
methodology. Course Progress Report (CPR) is duly signed by each student after
each class. Team of experienced faculty to provide quality service. Automated
student information management system (BlueSoft) to provide faster access to
student's related processing. Online Examination V2.0. Dynamic up gradation of
long-term courses based on technology changes. Unique knowledge warranty. Strong
online Feedback system to know our short falls. Multi-tiered placement support
system Registered under MSME Registered under National Career Service (Ministry
of Labour & Employment Our Innovation PARTNER WITH US Why to join Blue Chip
Education’s Training Partnership Program. As an Authorised Training Partner
(ATP) of Blue Chip Education, your organization will get technically advanced
suite of courses, unparalleled business and technical support and an ongoing
commitment to partner communication. We strive to provide the information and
resources instrumental for success along with great incentives through our
partner recognition and rewards programs. To know more visit our partner page