the happiness guy
You may well be wondering what mindfulness, meditation and tantrums have in
common. Let me explain. Recently I started a course on Mindfulness Based Stress
Reduction (MBSR). It’s an 8 week course where once a week a small group (mine
group has 4 people in it) meet up in Maryhill and develop their knowledge and
skills to help them live a life with less stress and more happiness. Now, given
that I’m The Happiness Guy and should (and most of the time do) have my mental
and emotional shit together, you may well be asking; why am I attending? When I
signed up for the course it was primarily as a way of achieving a more formal
education in mindfulness. From a professional perspective I wanted to experience
how the course would be delivered. My attendance was far less about helping me
reduce my own stress levels and more about developing a professional skill set.