matrix essential training alliance
Matrix Essential Training Alliance (META) delivers the highest quality training
at the leading edge of NLP ™. We have been promoting Richard Bandler & John La
Valle in the UK and Europe for over a decade and are known for our unique
programmes. Director of META, Kate Benson is the International Director of
Education for the Society of NLP ™ and runs the only Society approved NLP
courses especially designed for Education. All our programmes inspire and
transform, making learning inclusive, enjoyable and easy. It is our mission to
bring lifelong learning to people in all walks of life. We bring you the best
practitioners in their chosen fields to share their gifts with you. We guarantee
that you are always well looked after and receive individual attention from our
experienced and caring team. It is our privilege and honour to organise these
events. If you would like know more about META NLP, please feel free to contact
us. We look forward to hearing from you soon.