Dementia affects around 820,000 people in the UK. This figure is likely to rise to one million by 2025 and two million by 2051. It is one of the main causes of disability in later life and with research being desperately underfunded, it costs the UK over £26 billion a year. Understanding dementia and the person-centred care that is required is fundamental to high quality care.
This is not a single course but a set of menu options from which you can 'pick and mix' to create a draft programme yourself, as a discussion document which we can then fine-tune with you. For a day's training course, simply consider your objectives, select six hours' worth of modules and let us do the fine-tuning so that you get the best possible training result. Consider your objectives carefully for maximum benefit from the course. Is the training for new or experienced credit control staff? Are there specific issues to be addressed within your particular sector (eg, housing, education, utilities, etc)? Do your staff need to know more about the legal issues? Or would a practical demonstration of effective telephone tactics be more useful to them? Menu Rather than a generic course outline, the expert trainer has prepared a training 'menu' from which you can select those topics of most relevance to your organisation. We can then work with you to tailor a programme that will meet your specific objectives. Advanced credit control skills for supervisors - 1â2 day Basic legal overview: do's and don'ts of debt recovery - 2 hours Body language in the credit and debt sphere - 1â2 day County Court suing and enforcement - 1â2 day Credit checking and assessment - 1 hour Customer visits and 'face to face' debt recovery skills - 1â2 day Data Protection Act explained - 1â2 day Dealing with 'Caring Agencies' and third parties - 1 hour Debt counselling skills - 2 hours Elementary credit control skills for new staff - 1â2 day Granting credit and collecting debt in Europe - 1â2 day Identifying debtors by 'type' to handle them accurately - 1 hour Insolvency: Understanding bankruptcy / receivership / administration / winding-up / liquidation / CVAs and IVAs - 2 hours Late Payment of Commercial Debts Interest Act explained - 2 hours Liaison with sales and other departments for maximum credit effectiveness - 1 hour Suing in Scottish Courts (Small Claims and Summary Cause) - 1â2 day Telephone techniques for successful debt collection - 11â2 hours Terms and conditions of business with regard to credit and debt - 2 hours Tracing 'gone away' debtors (both corporate and individual) - 11â2 hours What to do if you/your organisation are sued - 1â2 day Other topics you might wish to consider could include: Assessment of new customers as debtor risks Attachment of Earnings Orders Bailiffs and how to make them work for you Benefit overpayments and how to recover them Cash flow problems (business) Charging Orders over property/assets Credit policy: how to write one Council and Local Authority debt recovery Consumer Credit Act debt issues Using debt collection agencies Director's or personal guarantees Domestic debt collection by telephone Exports (world-wide) and payment for Emergency debt recovery measures Education Sector debt recovery Forms used in credit control Factoring of sales invoices Finance Sector debt recovery needs Third Party Debt Orders (Enforcement) Government departments (collection from) Harassment (what it is - and what it is not) Health sector debt recovery skills Hardship (members of the public) Insolvency and the Insolvency Act In-house collection agency (how to set up) Instalments: getting offers which are kept Judgment (explanation of types) Keeping customers while collecting the debt Late payment penalties and sanctions Letter writing for debt recovery Major companies as debtors Members of the public as debtors Monitoring of major debtors and risks Negotiation skills for debt recovery Old debts and how to collect them Out of hours telephone calls and visits Office of Fair Trading and collections Oral Examination (Enforcement) Pro-active telephone collection Parents of young debtors Partnerships as debtors Positive language in debt recovery Pre-litigation checking skills Power listening skills Questions to solicit information Retention of title and 'Romalpa' clauses Sale of Goods Act explained Salesmen and debt recovery Sheriffs to enforce your judgment Students as debtors Statutory demands for payment Small companies (collection from) Sundry debts (collection of) Terms and Conditions of Contract Tracing 'gone away' debtors The telephone bureau and credit control Taking away reasons not to pay Train the trainer skills Utility collection needs Visits for collection and recovery Warrant of execution (enforcement)
This course provides learners with the knowledge they need to respond appropriately to behaviours that may challenge, including how to communicate effectively, understand why individuals may display behaviours, and problem solve with the individual.
Mindfulness is a practical technique for developing a greater sense of awareness and focus on the present moment. It is the opposite of mindlessness, meaning that actions and reactions become conscious and deliberate. It is an extremely useful tool for any busy work environment. Currently being used by the likes of Google and Pepsi, mindfulness can be adopted within the workplace to reduce stress and anxiety, provide greater focus and clarity, improve leadership capabilities and enhance the general wellbeing of staff at all levels. This workshop has been developed for forward-thinking organisations wanting to make a real and sustainable commitment to improving workplace wellbeing and productivity. This workshop will help you to understand the basic principles and benefits of mindfulness, and how it can be used in the workplace setting. It will also enable you to develop techniques to alleviate overwhelming feelings of stress or anxiety, prepare for important or challenging meetings, and generally achieve a greater sense of focus, clarity and calm whilst dealing with a hectic schedule.
Explore the key features of Falls Awareness including common causes of falls in care & work environment including risk assessing for slips, trips and falls and being aware issues arising from medications and illnesses that can increase risk of falls.
This is an essential programme for all Council Members, particularly those who are newly elected, who need to review their personal safety and lone working arrangements. 1 What's happening? Issues around us Risks in context 2 Safety fundamentals Identifying and minimising risks Sensible precautions Use of technology and personal safety Lone working and the Council's policy 3 Harassment and stalking What constitutes harassment and definition of stalking Early warning signals 4 Reporting principles Importance of incidence reporting Council procedure What next?
You never know when fire, explosions or gas leaks are around the corner, but while you can’t control what happens tomorrow, you can control how ready you are to react, help and limit any damage – and that’s where fire marshal training comes in.
This is an essential programme for members of staff whose role involves external meetings, including seeing members of the public in their own home. Based around advice from agencies including the Suzy Lamplugh Trust and the police, this programme takes a sensible look at how to remain safe in the role. 1 What's happening? Issues around us Risks in context 2 Safety fundamentals Risk assessment Dynamic risk assessment Identifying and minimising risks Sensible precautions Use of technology and personal safety Lone working Visits and travelling 3 Harassment and stalking What constitutes harassment and definition of stalking Early warning signals 4 Reporting principles Importance of incidence reporting Taking care of us What next?
Care/Support planning will cover a range of topics including assessments, record keeping and managing information. The training will give your care and support workers the knowledge and understanding to effectively write a care plan for the people they support and ensure a clear log is kept ready for CQC inspections. Explore the key features of Care Planning including person centred planning and the promotion of personalised services including goal setting.
This course enables providers and their staff to develop an understanding of the responsibilities and duties around the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA). This essential training is for workers involved in the care, treatment and support of adults who may lack capacity in making life decisions. This training offers vital support for social care providers, so they comply with the Mental Capacity Act and Care Quality Commission requirements and promote human rights.