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Historical Association webinar series: Draft Ofsted toolkits; implications for primary history Presenter: Dan Hartley This session will look at ways teachers can be supported to build their confidence, expertise and subject knowledge in primary history. It will also explore how subject leaders can develop their own expertise in leading history, including ideas for extending their professional development beyond their own school. To use your corporate webinar offer for this webinar please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/qG8gK0CU8X
Historical Association webinar series: Draft Ofsted toolkits; implications for primary history Presenter: Dan Hartley This session will focus on ways in which teachers can ensure pupils achieve and progress well in primary history, so they are prepared for the next stage of their education. This will also include ways to assess pupil progress to enable all groups of pupils to achieve strongly in history. To use your corporate webinar offer for this webinar please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/qG8gK0CU8X
About this course This practical course will help primary teachers to understand the purpose of assessment in history and consider current best practice. We will explore ways of continuing to improve the quality of teaching and learning in history through effective assessment strategies. We will go through practical ideas and resources to enliven teaching and learning in history and provide opportunities for assessment. This course will provide guidance and support to help develop the accuracy of teacher judgements. During the course, we will look at examples of writing and outcomes from different schools and consider how these outcomes demonstrate progress and attainment in history. Outcomes • understand the purpose of assessment in history • consider current best practice • explore ways of continuing to improve the quality of teaching and learning in history through effective assessment strategies • explore practical ideas and resources to enliven teaching and learning in history and provide opportunities for assessment • provide guidance and support to help develop the accuracy of teacher judgements Course leader The course is led by Steven Kenyon. Steven is a member of the Historical Association’s primary committee, having worked as a primary school teacher and then Deputy Head Teacher between 2004 and 2018. He joined Lancashire Professional Development Service in April 2018 as a Teaching and Learning Consultant for Primary History and English. He works closely with Lancashire Archives to promote and develop local history work in primary schools. This year he is a judge for the Historical Association's Young Quills Awards.
Historical Association webinar series: Draft Ofsted toolkits; implications for primary history Presenter: Dan Hartley This session will explore ways to enable pupils to develop secure, deep and fluent knowledge across the curriculum in primary history. It will consider how a curriculum can be designed, including the foundations laid at EYFS, to ensure pupils have a coherent and planned pathway to enable them to engage in future history learning. To use your corporate webinar offer for this webinar please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/qG8gK0CU8X
Historical Association webinar series: History and literacy: better together Presenter: Andrew Wrenn This practical webinar will explore the different ways stories and storytelling can be used in primary history: as an evocative way of conveying substantive knowledge for retrieval, and as a stimulus to hook pupils’ initial interest and curiosity. It will also show how pupils can be helped to test the reliability of stories as historical interpretations, by comparing them with the original evidence on which they are based. To use your corporate recording offer for this webinar please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/HYhgpvBBuG
Historical Association webinar series: History and literacy: better together Presenter: Andrew Wrenn This practical webinar will show how the writing and insights of real historians can be used across medium-term plans in primary history. It will give examples of how historians' ideas can be simplified for presentation in different ways, how their methods can be echoed for pupils in tasking, and how pupils can explore the original evidence historians use to support their conclusions - including how pupils can test the validity of these conclusions as historical interpretations. To use your corporate recording offer for this webinar please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/HYhgpvBBuG
What does this course cover? This is an online course for developing history leadership in primary teaching. This term, we will be piloting the course as an immersive programme covering the key elements of primary history subject leadership, enabling all involved in history leadership at primary to carry out their role effectively. How is this course structured and delivered? The course will take place in ten online sessions from January–May 2025. Sessions 1, 8 and 10 are compulsory to attend live. Participants will be required to complete a gap task after each session and contribute to an online reflection diary. The other sessions will be recorded for participants to work through at their convenience, though participants are encouraged to attend the recording sessions live in order to make the most of the programme. All recordings will be made available on the course Moodle page within two working days of the live recording session. Who is this course for? This programme is designed for anyone who is a subject coordinator or subject leader for history in their primary school. You may have just been appointed as a subject leader, or be more experienced but looking for formal training or fresh inspiration and direction. What are the outcome? This course will: equip you fully for the demands of history leadership in primary schools increase your confidence to develop an innovative, inclusive and effective history curriculum in your school develop your understanding of efficient action planning and how to make a wider impact help you to make the case for history with senior leaders enable you to enthuse others and lead staff meetings about history develop your understanding of current issues in primary history education The course will include a chance to share resources and assessment approaches, plus much more What will each session cover? Session 1: Introductory meeting (Live attendance) Wednesday 22 January 2025, 4pm–5.30pm Introduction and aims Reflection activity on the current state of history in your school Key responsibilities of the history subject leader Current Ofsted implications for the subject and what to expect in an inspection How the HA and latest Ofsted material can support you Session 2: What makes an effective history subject leader? (Live and recorded) Monday 27 January 2025, 4pm–5.30pm How to effectively support teachers and learners as a history leader How to create a vision, lead change, and manage time Effective action planning and improvement Auditing your history provision and building your evidence trail Developing an innovative, inclusive and effective history curriculum in your school Disciplinary knowledge: What is history? What do historians do? Suggested gap task: Conducting teacher and/or pupil voice questionnaires. Compulsory gap task: Add to your reflection diary for the programme. If relevant, reflect on how you will use the teacher questionnaire or pupil voice. Session 3: What makes effective teaching of history? (Live and recorded) Wednesday 19 February 2025, 4–5.30pm The role of the teacher Supporting SEND pupils Securing substantive knowledge and concepts across the curriculum How to support colleagues by identifying core knowledge How to involve the whole staff in mapping out and embedding the progression of concepts across the curriculum Suggested gap task: Consider SEND in your curriculum. Compulsory gap task: Add to your reflection diary for the programme reflecting on SEND. Session 4: Curriculum and practice at EYFS (Live and recorded) Tuesday 25 February 2025, 4–5.30pm Unpicking and supporting the requirements of the EYFS curriculum and Development Matters Developing historical and chronological understanding in EYFS as part of Understanding the world Progression and transition from EYFS to Key Stage 1 Ensuring coherence: how to start developing concepts Making use of the local history on your doorstep for EYFS and KS1 Accessing resources and support for EYFS Suggested gap task: Fact finding and liaison. Compulsory gap task: Add to your reflection diary for the programme reflecting on current EYFS practice. Session 5: Curriculum and practice at Key Stage 1 (Live and recorded) Monday 3 March 2025, 4pm–5.30pm Unpicking and supporting the requirements of the National Curriculum for KS1 Progression: building upon transition from EYFS What do KS1 require before KS2? Ensuring coherence: further developing the school’s chosen substantive concepts How to develop disciplinary concepts Developing appropriate chronological understanding in KS1 Enhancing and engaging children’s knowledge and retention through enquiry The use of working walls in KS1 to support learning Accessing resources and support for KS1 Suggested gap task: Check your KS1 curriculum for coverage and progression, building upon what they have learnt in EYFS. Compulsory gap task: Add to your reflection diary for the programme reflecting on KS1 practice in your setting. Session 6: Curriculum and practice at Key Stage 2 (Live and recorded) Tuesday 11 March 2025, 4pm–5.30pm Unpicking and supporting the requirements of the National Curriculum for KS2 How to incorporate local history with progression in KS2 What do we want the children in Year 6 to leave with? Developing appropriate chronological understanding in KS2 Preparing for transition to Key Stage 3 Ensuring coherence: building upon the school’s chosen concepts for progression What the HA can do to support the teaching of KS2 units? Resources and support for KS2 Suggested gap task: Check your KS2 curriculum for coverage and progression, building upon what they have learnt in EYFS and KS1. Compulsory gap task: Add to your reflection diary for the programme reflecting on KS2 practice in your setting. Session 7: Approaching sensitive issues in history (Live and recorded) Tuesday 18 March 2025, 4pm–5.30pm What do we mean by diversity in history and why is it important? How to ensure a wider diversity in your history teaching Barriers to making the curriculum more diverse and how to overcome them Approaches to sensitive issues in history lessons, including: - Refugees and migration history - War - Climate change Suggested gap task: Consider opportunities for increasing diverse voices and raising climate issues in your curriculum. Compulsory gap task: Add to your reflection diary for the programme considering how you might address the sensitive or current issues raised in this session. Session 8: Interim review meeting (Live attendance) Tuesday 25 March 2025, 4pm–5.30pm A review session allowing subject leaders to reflect upon their progress so far Opportunity to respond to suggestions, clarify information, or raise issues from the previous sessions Time to ask questions, share good practice or recommended resources with the rest of the cohort Suggested gap task: Time to follow up on anything raised in this session or to complete any previous tasks, following clarification and inspiration from this session. Compulsory gap task: Add to your reflection diary for the programme, reflecting on your priorities and actions using suggestions from the presenter or other delegates. Session 9: Assessment and evidence (Live and recorded) Wednesday 30 April 2025, 4pm–5.30pm Assessment and expectations A word about writing Triangulating the evidence What to look for in a work scrutiny Suggested gap task: Conduct a work scrutiny on one aspect to check across the school, in conjunction with a focused pupil voice on the same aspect. Compulsory gap task: Add to your reflection diary considering how you will conduct a work scrutiny and what you will focus on – or, if relevant, reflect on what you discovered and how you will address any issues. Session 10: Final meeting (Live attendance) Wednesday 14 May 2025, 4pm–5.30pm Following up any requests arising from the interim meeting (Session 8) Discussion or clarification of any issues arising from previous sessions Discussion of priorities, next steps and any issues Sharing ideas for enthusing others and leading staff meetings: “What worked for me?” Communicating with headteachers, governors, colleagues and parents Are you ready for the HA Quality Mark? Suggested gap task: Identifying your school’s next steps Compulsory gap task: Complete your final piece in your reflection diary.
Historical Association webinar series: Draft Ofsted toolkits; implications for primary history Presenter: Dan Hartley This session will give an overview of the main areas of the school inspection toolkit, and how history could contribute to ensuring the school receives a positive outcome. The session will explore the main areas of the toolkit, how grades are given, and the potential role history subject leaders have in contributing to the overall evidence of the school report card. To use your corporate webinar offer for this webinar please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/qG8gK0CU8X
Historical Association webinar series: History and literacy: better together Presenter: Andrew Wrenn There are many fine core texts that can enhance primary history and magnify its curricular impact. This practical webinar will show how to plan carefully when using these texts, exploring some of the advantages this can bring while avoiding corresponding pitfalls. Careful consideration will be given to the setting of subject-specific and general literacy objectives and tasks. To use your corporate recording offer for this webinar please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/HYhgpvBBuG
Historical Association webinar series: History and literacy: better together Presenter: Andrew Wrenn This practical webinar will demonstrate how giving pupils opportunities to write formatively can capture their understanding at given points in a learning episode, helping them to structure their developing thinking and supporting teachers in spotting and correcting misconceptions in good time. It will consider effective ways of challenging pupils to write at length, including various forms of writing frames linked to the development of disciplinary concepts, and supporting pupils in reaching independent conclusions of their own. It will also show how all these strategies can be important contributions to the development of general literacy. To use your corporate recording offer for this webinar please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/e/HYhgpvBBuG