winner, the preston road womens centre ltd.
Welcome to our website WINNER, the Preston Road Women’s Centre provides
information, support and advice to women in Hull. It is a multi-purpose
organization run by women for women offering a wide range of services under one
roof. Women can drop into WINNER anytime between 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday to
access any of our services or to meet other women in a safe environment. We are
situated in the big Purple House on Preston Road at the corner of Bilton Grove.
We offer the following services and activities: Drop in for relaxation and
informal support Specialist domestic violence support and advocacy Safe,
affordable housing across the city Accredited training in a variety of subjects
Registered Nursery provision for 0-5 year olds Comprehensive volunteering
programme aimed at improving quality of life and job opportunities Girlz Only
young women's project 10-18 year olds Rainbows Charity shop offering affordable,
quality second hand goods