priory primary school
Welcome to Priory Primary School’s website. We are a large primary school
situated in the west of the City of Hull. We are part of the Thrive Co-operative
Learning Trust along with 6 other primary schools and 2 secondary schools. We
are a school which is committed to providing an exciting, challenging, connected
curriculum which supports lifelong learning, physical and emotional well-being
and encourages all our children to have high aspirations for their future. We
work with the whole school community to provide a welcoming, safe and caring
environment. Currently we are working hard to reestablish our usual routines in
school following the disruption of the pandemic while continuing to ensure that
we operate safely and follow our new risk assessments to mitigate the risk of
the virus spreading in our school community. If children are unable to be at
school at this time because they have tested positive for COVID, but are well
enough to work, we offer remote learning through Google Classroom. This is as
closely aligned to the classroom curriculum as possible. Children will be
offered access to dongles to provide internet access and a device if they do not
have this available at home. If a child is entitled to Free School Meals this is
also available. Working in partnership with parents is crucial as together we
can ensure your child feels safe, valued and happy. We are looking forward to
being able to invite parents into school again when it is safe to do so and
until that time we are very responsive to emails, to our admin address or the
year group email addresses, and telephone calls. We welcome new children to our
school. Please call the school if you would like further information.