novalead limited success through people development
About Novalead Limited
Our personal development services are designed to provide real transformation in
the shortest time and in the most cost-effective way possible. We focus on
delivering specialist programs that can be tailored to meet your individual
requirements. Backed up with a unique system of reviews, quizzes and flashcards
that implant new skills into long term memory creating life long habits.
Automated Follow-Up to maximise effectiveness
Learning theory tells us, trainees forget up to 80% of what they have been
taught within just a few days.
To avoid this and ensure maximum impact from our workshops we deliver each
attendee a scheduled series of five concise reviews as follows: After 24 hours,
1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months to ensure maximum retention of these
important business and life skills.
Here at Novalead Limited, our primary purpose is to positively impact people
lives by encouraging a genuine passion for life long learning.