Products & Services from the Female Trailblazer Jenny GarrettWe use our years of experience in coaching and leadership to support women and ethnically diverse leaders to progress at work. As well as supporting majority group leaders in making inclusion happen. ” Our Services We build individual, team and organisational success, through practical, results-driven steps
The only organisation of its kind, founded on the success of its original studio in Windsor, Berkshire, MusicSpark has expanded to create and cultivate an online community of MusicSpark-trained tutors successfully running their own studios across the UK. Supported fully by MusicSpark and each other, each of our Studio Owners are the go-to expert for their instrument(s) for their local area.
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IMPAKT - Institute Modern Practically Applied, Kickboxing, Karate, Thai boxing, Contact us - Home - IMPAKT Kickboxing Martial arts, Hemel Hempstead, St Albans, Letchworth, Stevenage