nurturing minds mindfulness
About Annalise Jones, Founder of Nurturing Minds I created Nurturing Minds from
a passionate belief that all children should be provided with the tools to look
after their own Mental Health in a positive and healthy way from as young as
possible. I believe that this is the key to preventing the World's Mental Health
crisis from becoming anymore severe. The harsh reality of today's society shows
that 1 in 6 children and young people aged between 5-16 have a diagnosable
Mental Health problem, whilst 70% of these children and young people are not
getting the appropriate interventions that they need at an early age (ONS,
2020). The truth is that there isn't enough services to teach our children what
they need to know about their Minds and how to look after them. So I made it my
mission to do just that! Nurturing Minds uses Creative Mindfulness techniques to
teach children, and their parents, about their emotions, feelings and behaviours
and how these all link together to form our mind. The aim of this is to create a
toolbox of resources that children and parents can access at any time in their
lives. These experiences of Mindfulness will help support healthy brain
development and will give children and their parents a chance to actively
support their emotional regulation, which will in turn, promote positive Mental
Health and Well-being. Using my knowledge of child development from my degree in
Early Childhood Studies, as well as my experience working with children and
families of all ages, I have developed an inclusive and welcoming environment
for people to learn about their minds and to help them feel the benefits of
Mindfulness on their own lives, just like I have felt it on mine.